Grymm Ramblings
Sorry. I know the fractured stop and go update schedule is annoying. But we're doing what we can with the time we have. Fortunately the next comic is already well in to production. So there's that. The last time we saw Vensik, he was coming up with new avenues of revenue for the boys. The last time we saw Billy, he was slinging infernal alcoholic potables for the European Comic Writer meetup and helping to banish biological horrorterrors to the abyss.The last time we saw the Masked T-Square, Blondestar, and their Bloodtruck, questionable decisions were being made with far reaching consequences.
And the last time we saw Alan, he was smashing about, laying proper claims to things, and drinking abominations.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 26: Calling in the Cavalry”
I have never made someone scurry to the other side of the couch so quickly. I looked at my partner and whispered “Enter now the void hole.” I don’t understand how someone can love me when I get unbridled joy from their discomfort.
Huh…. this is the third time that when I checked the site without pants there was an update…. Does my pantless state summon Voodoo Walrus comics?…….. I am going to have to experiment with this. Do not worry Walrus Friends I will keep you all updated as needed.
On a side note…. my neighbors are getting stupider. I had to go over to my neighbors last night with a fire extinguiser because the older male over there set his pants on fire while grilling. No real damage but I wonder if I did the universe a disservice by not just sitting down, making some popcorn, and watching… Damn this one is going to haunt me.
BTW, I burned all your pants. You are welcome.
Dammit March, we’ve told you before that you can’t just go about committing trouser arson willy-nilly. If you’re going to destroy someone’s pants, at least leave them some of equal or greater value in place of said pants. It’s only fair.
Towels are greater value than pants.
Yes, we all remember the Great Kilt Debacle of 2012. And we’re sorry. And we wish people would forgive a little harmless arson between friends. And those winds were unseasonably strong, so really no one could be held responsible for kilts flying up like that. Even if embers from the blaze did catch them on fire.
And I did leave something behind. Hidden behind a shelf. Something that will not be found, except by the one it was left for. And the revelations it will unveil will be absolute in their devastation, and render inviolate the beholder!
I also left a Calvin and Hobbes collection as a token of my esteem. Enjoy, Akonite!
Right! Unseasonable winds. *uses foot to nudge leafblower under the table and out of site*
…. because there’s totally a dimensional portal under that table.
Can I get some a that there void/bear/god/portal loving?
Fine then, jealous bastard, dressed up for bloody nothing…
I hate Arizona. Is there VoodooWalrus(tm) teleportation feild in beta testing yet? I don’t care if I arrive naked with a tail as long as it’s not 110 degrees outside and I can get a Sweet Tea.
Unfortunately, all our attempts to perfect teleportation tech has ended in tears, pain, and a narrowly avoided multi-versal collapse. Long story short, the government stepped in and now we’re on like a dozen or so watchlists. Also, we’re not allowed to buy uranium anymore.
Which has in turn cut into my retirement fund. What in Oppenheimer’s name am I supposed to do with these fuel rods? Make a Lincoln-log house of whimsical radiation? Perhaps a gazebo for the yard?
Drat…well, can’t blame a girl for trying.
Go for the gazebo option. Then use it to lure curious LARPers to their radioactive deaths. Also, sidenote to everyone reading this, the next comic page is currently being colored. Rejoice!
Well… there is that one thing…
I am here to watch the cashflow… not enter void holes to save your sorry butts. The weird thing is it’s sticky and smells of Elderberries with cinnamon.
PS: I’ll bill you the dry cleaning.
I shall attempt to speed up it’s arrival by not wearing pants.
The neighbors will complain again, the mailman has given me a restraining order but it shall be worth it.
DANG IT NUDITY HAS FAILED ME!…. I must resort to more extreme measures… measures that the neighborhood association not approve of me…. more then they already do……………… I still think me stealing all the lawn flamingos was not equal to them then trying to burn my house down.
Nah, you’re good. The comic’s in the uploader now and will be going live on Friday. And the page after that is currently in production!