Grymm Ramblings
Let's talk about original art. Original art is a gloriously thing. its actually how I make, something of, a living. And it tends to be a much desired thing at times. A couple weeks ago I was reminded that some of you dig the idea of getting custom avatars made, so I thought I'd start putting up the proper info on occasion, to let you know how you can go about getting one for yourself.
The Basics: What you'd be getting is a 5" x 5" hand-drawn, hand-inked, and digitally colored bust level piece (as in from the chest-ular region and up). I send the finished, full size, high resolution file to your email to have and to hold unless you'd like a print and the original inked hard copy mailed out to you, which is going to run extra depending on whether you just want the print, just the hardcopy, or both.
At the very, very least you're looking at a $20 price tag. Maybe a bit extra if you want a lot of extra detail work done like intricate tattoos, chain-y like things, or various other thingabobs that can be time consuming to add in.
To order a custom piece like this, email me at . Don't comment here. Don't try to telepathically contact me (My psi channels are only accessible to other Voodoo Walrus crew members.). Contact me through email. If you want the avatar to be of yourself , but in the VW style, that works fine. If you want a fictionalized representation of yourself, that works too! If you have a fictional alter ego original character that you want given the treatment, hell, that tends to be what I get commissioned for most, so bring it on!
Now let's break out some visual examples. There's are avatar pieces Walrus readers, comments, and supporters have commissioner in the past and these are what you can expect for the most part!
Mercenary Punk by ~GrymmBadger on deviantART
Marchosias Avatar by ~GrymmBadger on deviantART
Demetry Avatar by ~GrymmBadger on deviantART
And one of the best parts? As with anything else we offer up for sale around here, profits go right back into the Walrus, be it in the form of paying the domain and hosting costs, funding the bristol boards and drawing instruments, or the costs of promoting the site. Everyone wins!
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 16: Suit Up!”
……That is a NICE suit. That’s not even sarcasm. Dear god…… I just realized I’ve said nothing but nice things for the past 5 updates to you two! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!?!?!?!?
That’s the brain leeches working their magic!
Curse you brain leeches! CUUUUURSE YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!
Don’t worry. They actually come PRE-CURSED. Gives ’em the extra personality altering kick.
Available in Pre-cursed, Chipotle, and Captain Mooka’s special sauce.
Only from Marchosias Heavy Industries
Sorry to break it to you man, but I just pulled off the brainslug and it says that it’s an OJ brainleech.
OJ is in beta. Along with chili con carne and bubblegum. Side-effects from beta products are many and varied, so I’ll just have you fill out a questionnaire while you’re still sane/conscious.
No, I mean this brain leach was made by OJ.
Neither of you know what you’re talking about. There’s only one source of brain leeches and that’s the Magnificent Madame Murderfist. She brreds them. Orange juice has nothing to do with it.
I concur. That is a wonderful suit.
No offense, but that suit looks kinda small for CK.
Ah, that would be a solid observation if CK was the only one who was going to be suiting up!
oohoooh! We get to see Grymm in top hat again? *bounces giddily* I can’t imagine a nice suit like that without some fancy head wear.
Mercenary Clown
Suiting up time….along with bathing in caffiene…or was it tea….eh, I was never one for details…..
The way I make tea, there is NO coffee strong enough to match the jolt you get. The shit is that sweet.
Michael Alexander Reaper
Either way it will still have c affine in it.
Michael Alexander Reaper
On a separate note did he ever put his pants back on?
Actually, I believe the third panel the comic before this shoes evidence of CK being back in pants. That, or he has weird black poofy tops to his socks.
Get an avatar from Grymm. There’s no need for high prose here. Get one.
Mine looks exactly like me. The work-in-progress versions seethe with evil. And tentacles.
And they look like me – how, Grymm? How do you know what I look like? My description was close, but the avatar – sweet humping netherworlds – HOW?
Because I’m magic of course. Oh… and I can see into the smoldering ruin that was once your soul. Its filthy in there by the way. You should do some sweeping.
Mercenary Clown
did you8 look into my soul…because if you did, im sorry….wasn’t expecting company…woulda tidied up first…..
Oh ho ho ho ho. That’s a trick question! Everyone knows that clowns don’t have souls. They simply have a collection of tiny cornish game hens lashed together with sinew and bile and shoved in a behind their internal cockles.
Well… yes. I won’t argue that. I really ought to shove a shopvac in there – but you know what? Too much goddamn effort.
I’m fucking broke. Unless Grymm does charity commisions, I’m screwed if I ask him for an avatar pic.
Ulltrosstech Tip of the Day: If you’re going to pour a hot beverage over your head make sure it has cooled to a temperature below flesh scolding. This has been a public service announcement from Ulltrosstech.
To Marchosias: Your special order will be completed a week early despite … complications (Lab C needed an upgraded anyway). Unfortunately the gross of Slave Crowns will be a bit late do to a fore mentioned complications leaking into the production complex. Just remember the crowns won’t work on individuals with significant mutation. For instance I can’t be affected do to my genetic modifications, and those with long time exposure to dark magic are safe as well. Also be careful of the orders you give to a subject wearing a crown, they will fallow it to the letter without interpretation. If you tell them to watch the turkey in the oven they will watch it burn untell you intervene.
Very good sir. If your blank-slate clones are any indictation, this will work rather well indeed. The order-interpretation issue won’t be a problem – I intend to rope some Twilight fans, pump em’ full of steroids, and use them as loyal (disposable) attack dogs. So the Crowns are perfectly suited, unless of course being a Twilight fan means that you are a mutation in of yourself… unnecessary experimentation time. Wanna join in?
Unnecessary experimentation? That’s my favorite kind of experiment. I’m in. My idea is thus, There is abandoned town on the grounds above my lab complex and the system of caves and tunnels that I keep my minions in. I have the maintenance drowns keep the place in good condition with out losing the ghost town vibe. So we start some sort of convention for the Twilight fans. After they all are in town we make a time-space bubble around the town to cut off communications and so that when they try to leave the ‘get lost’ and end up back in town. We then proceed to abduct them one by one, waiting hours, some times days between incidents, so as to let them stew in their own fear. And when we are down to one fan left we let them ‘escape’. Then we warp the whole set up to a new area so that when The Last Fan brings the authorities it will be as though nothing was at the location, ever. Thus creating a new legend. The physical scars may heal, but the mental scars will be forever. As an added bonus there will probably be enough discarded Twilight books that the fans brought with them that we can have a nice little bonfire after.
Ah, excellent. But if we cut off the heat, and at proper elevation/weather conditions, we can force them to burn their own books to stay warm. Emotional scars abound.
I wonder where everyone has gotten to this week. I was off in Las Vegas so I have a valid excuse as to why my portion of the chatter has dropped away.
I still can’t get over how much I love the expression on Grymm’s face in the last panel. It promises mischief and snazzy clothing.
I do that face sometimes. It usually forecasts interesting night.
When I make that face it means someone is about to be molested.
Will B
Have been in the hospital. Finally home but have been cleaning up the lab. For some reason the when you tell the minions “Don’t mix caustic acid and bleach” it the first thing they do. Damn chemical weapons. Once the lab back online I shall be my chatty self. Don’t worry Rip I haven’t forgotten you. I have a wonderful little hell all set up for you.
I’ve sent some lovely lab assistants along, to help with getting your lab back to tip-top shape. And the mnemonic controls are set to your voice – enjoy.
Will B
Much appreciation for the loan of the assistants March old boy. They should be quiet helpful in building the snaring and storing device for Micheal I’m gonna rape your childhood till your ears fill with your brains Bay. Once beta testing is complete will send along the package said MB. Just remember that the correct temperature for long pig is 275 for 22 hours. Rose my dear as a recent guest of one your profession I must say thank you for all that you and your coworkers do. None in any field in the hospital industry get enough thanks. SO thank you.
Ah. Rebuilding a lab can be a pain, to show my support I’ve sent Igor with a gift basket that you may find use full. Including a card for 20% off your next order from Ulltrosstech, and our brand new Insta-minion pellets (Just add water). He should be right behind you just as your reading. Don’t ask me how he dose it, it’s an Igor thing.
I work in a hospital, so sadly my time is taken up recently by the seething injured and ailing massses…of the old. WHY?! Why so many old?! It makes me sad…yes it does…
On a side Note…TRANSFORMERS! *yes I am that lame*
On the COmic side, ohdearlordsuit! FInally! ITs been forever since the boys got really Snazzy!
Sadly it does seem that very few like the idea of dying young so they get older and things start falling apart for no reason.
Falling apart is an understatement. I have seen more IV’s, tubes, breathing aparati, dementia cases, etc in the last two months than I have my entire life.
I hope I never reach that point. Then again, with these lovely mad scientists about I’m sure I can just donate my body to mad science and not have to worry about any of that.
We’re already bidding. It’s a tight race, but chances are you’ll be reanimated, just as lovely and frisky as ever. Or lovely, frisky psychotic killing machine, whichever.
Already? Wow. I feel popular and only mildly suspicious I should be wary that one of you will try to speed the donation process.
Don’t worry Akonite, us lovely ladies will stick together and they won’t have the chance to!
Have no fear, lovelies – I won’t allow anyone to… accelerate your upgrade process. This is meant to be a charitable exingency plan. With lasers.
Transformers – the reconstituted cadaver of my childhood. Oh, Michael Bay, I’ve set aside a knife for you.
And yes, suits. I try to look that good, but so little fancywear is blood-stain resistant.
‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw, I personally enjoy them. They’re fun and full of hot cars. I like me some expensive sports cars…especially when they get into really big fights.
Busy busy busy with commissions and sleeping when not doing commissions. CK is apparently at a wedding. Which is helpful as I’ve been nocturnal and he hasn’t been here to yell obscenities at phone solicitors and stir me from my slumber.
It’s only fun if you convince the solicitor that you’re an irate Russian mobster.
And yes, I really have done that. Mumbai doesn’t call anymore.
Marchosias you may be the greatest person to ever live, next to Bruce Campbell. I raise a toast to you good sir.
> Hello! This is Healthcare International
– You have reached Dmitri
> Greetings, sir. Would you like to partic-
– My friends in Moscow say they have not received package. You are being tardy. There is fee for being tardy.
> Uh, sir?
– Fee is collected in appendages. You would like to avoid fee, yes?
>But, sir I don’t think you-
– No excuses! Package will be delivered, or someone will pay you visit, and discuss ‘late fees’.
> I’m not-
– We have contract. You are thinking of double-crossing Dmitri? Taking money and running? This will cost you more than ‘late fee’. I pay you personal visit.
> *disconnects*
Spread the wisdom of my alter-phone ego, Dmitri. Spread the script! Spread it to the four winds! Only give me credit.
– And my humble thanks, Dr. Ulltross, it’s good to be recognized for small accomplishments.
That is AWESOME! I’m a horrible liar and a even more horibble actress. How do you DO THAT? I want to learn!
Why thank you.
The trick is investing in making their day as bad, as they’re making yours. And practice Russian accents when possible.