*shrug* never had true lobster but Kobe is okay but the slice of steak I want from any bovine is Hanger Steak…it’s the tastiest piece if we’re talking steak.
Well if I remember correctly, not only was Stewart at one time slated to be throwing production money at an animated Transmetropolitan project, but I believe he also want to provide Spider’s voice. Which for the life of me I just can’t imagine. He seems way to calm to be Spider.
Unless I’m entirely mistaken, Patrick Stewart is a huge Transmet fan. He wrote the intro/letter-thingie at the start of volume 5.
Which I will now transcribe, because I’m incredibly bored. Feel free to make this post go away if it conflicts with any funky copyright laws (or just turns out too damn long. (or seems too much like a commercial for transmet…)
(The following is a transcription of the introduction to Transmetropolitan Volume 5. The text is written by Patrick Stewart, and I suppose all rights belong to him and Warren Ellis (as well as Vertigo) )
“Warren Ellis asked me to write this and I am O.K. with that up to a point. My unease is that the point is unnervingly sharp and very likely to turn in my direction. Here is the problem. Warren knows that I am a TRANSMETROPOLITAN fan, but how can he expect me to write about that? Does he think I just came down the Clyde on a tea biscuit? No sirree, this is not my first barbecue. If I write that Spider Jerusalem is my hero, does he think Spider will let me get away with that? I would be lucky to to only suffer a blast from bowel disruoter and it is much more likely me eyeballs will be popped as easily as squeezing a pustule and fed to the cat. If I write that TRANSMET is a beacon of brilliant irony and sardonic satire, could I survive the torrent of salive-drenched invective and scorn S.J. would heap on me? If I wrote that TRANSMET made laugh like a drain, are there enough lavatory bowls to contain Jerusalem’s vomit?
If I confessed that I lusted after the filthy assistants, what foul perversions would I be accused of? If I praised the artwork as the wittiest, most disturbing since George Grosz, I would soon find myself depicted as a fucked-up, mechanics-addicted, feces-smeared back-ground character. If I hailed this vision of the future as persuasive and properly terrifying, I might never live to see it. You get my problem?
I think, however, that I can safely say this: I know this City. I have read The Word, I have listened to these politicans, I have smelt the stink of greed, I have thrown stuff at the TV. I have wondered what future there is for Truth and Beauty. I have wanted to go and live on the top of a Yorkshire moor.
Warren, tell Spider to stay healthy and keep writing the column.
– Patrick Stewart”
(any typos are on my head, and I apologise for them)
Well that depends. Are you a gorgeous redhead who we can talk into doing massive amounts of professional level comic art for us? If so, follow our contact info at the top of the page to enter into CreepKnight’s rigorous screening process for potential redhead accomplices!
0 thoughts on “Dinner and a Show and a Bribe 2: Bork, Bork, Bork”
Will B.
Kobe steak?? Ruined by lobster. WHY GODS WHY??? What did that perfect peice of meat ever do deserve such utter torture?
*shrug* never had true lobster but Kobe is okay but the slice of steak I want from any bovine is Hanger Steak…it’s the tastiest piece if we’re talking steak.
Three words: bork bork bork.
Will B.
But but the chicken not in the pot.
Now I just want us to respond to every question with bork bork bork.
Little does she know that the first hit of geek crack is always free.
I can not read the line “Yes, that is the voice of Patrick Stewart…” without my brain automatically trying to swap in Captain Jean-Luc Picard instead.
It didn’t fight right in the word bubble. I made Frowny Face.
To be fair when I read Transmetropolitain I imagine Patrick Stewart’s voice as Spider Jerusalem’s (blame an ex)
Well if I remember correctly, not only was Stewart at one time slated to be throwing production money at an animated Transmetropolitan project, but I believe he also want to provide Spider’s voice. Which for the life of me I just can’t imagine. He seems way to calm to be Spider.
Unless I’m entirely mistaken, Patrick Stewart is a huge Transmet fan. He wrote the intro/letter-thingie at the start of volume 5.
Which I will now transcribe, because I’m incredibly bored. Feel free to make this post go away if it conflicts with any funky copyright laws (or just turns out too damn long. (or seems too much like a commercial for transmet…)
(The following is a transcription of the introduction to Transmetropolitan Volume 5. The text is written by Patrick Stewart, and I suppose all rights belong to him and Warren Ellis (as well as Vertigo) )
“Warren Ellis asked me to write this and I am O.K. with that up to a point. My unease is that the point is unnervingly sharp and very likely to turn in my direction. Here is the problem. Warren knows that I am a TRANSMETROPOLITAN fan, but how can he expect me to write about that? Does he think I just came down the Clyde on a tea biscuit? No sirree, this is not my first barbecue. If I write that Spider Jerusalem is my hero, does he think Spider will let me get away with that? I would be lucky to to only suffer a blast from bowel disruoter and it is much more likely me eyeballs will be popped as easily as squeezing a pustule and fed to the cat. If I write that TRANSMET is a beacon of brilliant irony and sardonic satire, could I survive the torrent of salive-drenched invective and scorn S.J. would heap on me? If I wrote that TRANSMET made laugh like a drain, are there enough lavatory bowls to contain Jerusalem’s vomit?
If I confessed that I lusted after the filthy assistants, what foul perversions would I be accused of? If I praised the artwork as the wittiest, most disturbing since George Grosz, I would soon find myself depicted as a fucked-up, mechanics-addicted, feces-smeared back-ground character. If I hailed this vision of the future as persuasive and properly terrifying, I might never live to see it. You get my problem?
I think, however, that I can safely say this: I know this City. I have read The Word, I have listened to these politicans, I have smelt the stink of greed, I have thrown stuff at the TV. I have wondered what future there is for Truth and Beauty. I have wanted to go and live on the top of a Yorkshire moor.
Warren, tell Spider to stay healthy and keep writing the column.
– Patrick Stewart”
(any typos are on my head, and I apologise for them)
Am the Only one who noticed that CK ripped off his moustachio and put it back on askew? YOu can even see the pink lines where he ripped it off.
CK, unlike Grymm, does not have eldrich hair growing powers.
…that we’ve seen
Yay! Somebody noticed! Makes me happy when people notice the little weird details.
TYhat… is an imprusive detail…
I might be drunk’t
I havn’;t seen you in a while grymm… do I need to climb in through your windoiw again?
I’ll leave one unlocked for ya.
watchin’ u sleep
C-can I get one of those virtual-reality Skyrim sessions??
Well that depends. Are you a gorgeous redhead who we can talk into doing massive amounts of professional level comic art for us? If so, follow our contact info at the top of the page to enter into CreepKnight’s rigorous screening process for potential redhead accomplices!