Welcome back to the land of the semi conscious. Remember that the six foot tall white rabbit is not your friend.
Speaking of delays and orbital lasers, Dr. Ulrtoss your crew is still giving me the run around. When I gave you that enriched plutonium you told me that it would be enough to cover payment. Usually your services are excellent. When can I expect it to be in orbit??
So I clean up your mess with the National Guard and this how you repay me. HMMMM. I would suggest that you pay for my parts as soon as possible cause and pay the ultra fast delivery cause New York is next on the list. Now you as a native born Texan don’t want New York to miss it’s appointment do you??
While I am a fan of hotbeds of debauchery and vice, NY needs to go.
So, while I blame Dr. Ultross for not marking his shipments such that I would recognize them as such, I do have an offer: The Apocalypse Kitten has had, well…kittens. I assume the accelerated growth was your doing, or perhaps a side-effect of binging The End of All Things to an adorable black house-cat. Nevertheless, after the introduction of a now shell-shocked tabby tomcat, the Apocalypse Cat has kittens, cuter-than-sin, mewling kittens, each infused with the sheer essence of The End. which makes them wondrous weapons of mass carnage. The dander and brimstone is getting to my allergies, so they’re all yours.
Can I borrow your orbital laser Grymm? See I ordered 50 rubber snakes from a novelty shop the first week of November to begin my gorgon costume project and they still haven’t arrived a week after Halloween despite “express shipping”
If ex-atmospheric doom devices aren’t available, I offer my services in the ‘death to fools’ department. My rates are reasonable, my methods of spiritual expatriation are not.
Alas, I’m afraid this is mere exaggeration on my part. In reality, the orbital laser actually belongs to one of our Creepy Hollow bosses. And he ‘s already said he’s not giving us the codes until the UN gives him permission to use it to murder at least one stupid person of his choosing a night.
Them having an orbiting laser cannon of death? Doesn’t surprise me. What DOES surprise me is that both Bowler and Creepknight allow Grymm to access it by his lonesome.
To totally change subject. Any idea when the pdf will be done?? Only asking so I know when I have to move things around budget wise so that I can keep my promise of buying.
0 thoughts on “How to Make A Comic 7: Orbital Doom”
Will B
Welcome back to the land of the semi conscious. Remember that the six foot tall white rabbit is not your friend.
Speaking of delays and orbital lasers, Dr. Ulrtoss your crew is still giving me the run around. When I gave you that enriched plutonium you told me that it would be enough to cover payment. Usually your services are excellent. When can I expect it to be in orbit??
Oh – those were YOUR orbital death beam components. Well that’s…awkward.
Will B
So I clean up your mess with the National Guard and this how you repay me. HMMMM. I would suggest that you pay for my parts as soon as possible cause and pay the ultra fast delivery cause New York is next on the list. Now you as a native born Texan don’t want New York to miss it’s appointment do you??
While I am a fan of hotbeds of debauchery and vice, NY needs to go.
So, while I blame Dr. Ultross for not marking his shipments such that I would recognize them as such, I do have an offer: The Apocalypse Kitten has had, well…kittens. I assume the accelerated growth was your doing, or perhaps a side-effect of binging The End of All Things to an adorable black house-cat. Nevertheless, after the introduction of a now shell-shocked tabby tomcat, the Apocalypse Cat has kittens, cuter-than-sin, mewling kittens, each infused with the sheer essence of The End. which makes them wondrous weapons of mass carnage. The dander and brimstone is getting to my allergies, so they’re all yours.
Can I borrow your orbital laser Grymm? See I ordered 50 rubber snakes from a novelty shop the first week of November to begin my gorgon costume project and they still haven’t arrived a week after Halloween despite “express shipping”
If ex-atmospheric doom devices aren’t available, I offer my services in the ‘death to fools’ department. My rates are reasonable, my methods of spiritual expatriation are not.
my bad that should say OCTOBER not “november”
Alas, I’m afraid this is mere exaggeration on my part. In reality, the orbital laser actually belongs to one of our Creepy Hollow bosses. And he ‘s already said he’s not giving us the codes until the UN gives him permission to use it to murder at least one stupid person of his choosing a night.
Mercenary Clown
damn UN and their regulations
Drat. The fiery destruction of those who denied me my awesome Halloween costume would have made an excellent birthday gift.
since when do any of us respect the u.n. or the geneva conventions?
Mercenary Clown
Orbital Lasers are never a waste of money!
Them having an orbiting laser cannon of death? Doesn’t surprise me. What DOES surprise me is that both Bowler and Creepknight allow Grymm to access it by his lonesome.
Hey, its not like they’re leaving him alone with a microwave.
Or worse, leaving him alone with a microwave, a whole roll of tin foil, and 20 complimentary AOL CDs.
Yeah. That would suck. We don’t need Grymm Blowing up another building.
You don’t need it… But do you WANT it?
No Grymm. You like having a nice place to live, you do not want to destroy it. That would be a Very Bad Idea.
I never said anything about MY microwave.
Oh my. That just makes my previous comment sound like a threat doesn’t it?
What happened to the Butter-Laser from the end of “Greasy Spoon”?
Probably still being controlled by the soulless, dead eyed butter queen what some mortals call “Paula”.
Will B
To totally change subject. Any idea when the pdf will be done?? Only asking so I know when I have to move things around budget wise so that I can keep my promise of buying.