From the Mouths of Madness
Flashback 2! is winding down. Here's hoping everyone's been enjoying the additional look into the dusty archive of Voodoo Walrus' histories. This is far from the last time we'll be exploring "that which has come before" this year, but after this week, we'll most definitely be returning to the present for a while. That said, now's the last chance to send in questions for the special "Week O' Q&A"! Just send in your questions and various VW characters will take the helm to answer them. These questions should only pertain to characters, things, and events in the Voodoo Walrus story. If we don't get enough questions by the time Friday rolls around, we're calling this a bust and inflicting something else upon you while we gear up the big upcoming arc! If this sounds interesting to you, please send your questions to
0 thoughts on “Flashback! 2: Processing! PROCESSING!”
If you don’t get enough questions, can you do more Creepknight & Crow?
*Grabs Ticker by the ear through internet*
Next come the steel gauntlet noogies.
Great idea Ticker! 6 days of CreepKnight vs. Crow next week, everyone! Starring special guest, Gramma Eyepatch after raiding Ona’s closet!
Will B.
Wow, someone over programmed their staff. Need to have a bit of leeway. Loving the strip guys.
By ‘leeway’, what exactly do you mean? Murder vs groping?
By and by, the hellhounds got the mailman again. Was training them to drop the mail at your feet truly wise? Now there’s bits of postal worker all over the rug.
Will B.
Well if you would stop praising them and laughing at the mailman’s screams, it would help.
Oh, come on! The way Scales and Fritzy tug the mailman’s severed leg back and forth – hilarious.
you boys play nice now or your Gramma’s gonna withhold spankies!
One second, the killer robot was combing my hair for me while discussing snacks, the next…. Yeah.
That’s life in the embrace of the Walrus, I’m afraid.
Gramma will protect you marchie-jeff!
I hope security mode involves rape…
That would be wrong on SO many levels. This is middle school era CK and Grymm afterall isn’t it?
That said, everyone remember to always properly lubricate and maintain your rape machines! It’s very easy to hurt yourself at higher speeds! 8: [
Ona, you are a gem, never go away m’kay?
Nowhere else could I possibly have heard that. Thank you.
Will B.
And make sure to use the highest quality lube, it better for the machine and more pleasurable for the victim.
I don’t know… most mechanical lubricants aren’t recommended for internal contact.
I could make some suggestions on this topic dearies. but Gramma’s old secret lube recipe isnt for the faint of heart!it is all natural though!!!!!