Grymm Ramblings
There's a lot of webcomics out there. Many of which make no excuses for the fact that their images are perpetually copy/pasted, stock imagery, palette swapped pixels, or stick figures. I'm not passing judgment on any of them. There's always one creator out who spins pure, eye melting hyper mega gold from rancid shit. Thus, I cannot insult any method of creation.
I can say this though. My art's better than the majority of what's out there. And I'm still not giving it 100%. Sometimes I don't do backgrounds. Sometimes I forget to double check clothing and accessories from page to page. I half-ass vehicles constantly. If we were seeing profit from these shenanigans, you'd be damn sure to get my full 100% at very least twice a week if not three times a week. But we're not. But that doesn't mean we're going to sit on our haunches. After all, we're not doing this for money. We're doing this for you. Because you deserve more than amateurish character design talking about how much they want to play a video that doesn't hit selves until next year. You deserve awesome entertainment. We're here to deliver.
We also do this for us. That said, I'm going to be indulgent with this storyline. You're going to get more background imagery to look at, but I'm getting the chance to draw horrible, questionable, festering things.
You're welcome.
We love you. Spread our Infection
0 thoughts on “The Greasy Spoon 2: The Pipes, the Pipes are OHGODWHATISTHATCHUNKYREDSTUFF?!”
You are in fact correct about your art and methods, but you have the good decency not to toot your horn. Good on you.
Also, if we ever meet, I may have to give you an uncomfortably long hug. Whether it’s for the horrific things from just inside man’s threshold for insanity, or the redhead, is your decision to make. Cuz you rock to much for specificity.
There he is again… when does this episode air Mr. Fieri?