Grymm Ramblings
Yes. Those rubber dinosaur masks do look familiar. Rip's a weird little obsessive shit.
So I'm pretty sure that it was around about this comic that I really started to find my groove in creating pages strictly on the Surface Pro. It took some acclimating and I'm still working out the kinks but I think I'm just as fast doing things digitally now as I was when the process involved traditional media for all the linework bits. Hopefully I speed up further from here. One thing is definite, it's a lot easier do draw smaller scaled things or dense scenes now that I can rescale and reposition elements on the fly. It's also nice that I'm no longer chewing my way through packs of illustration board and refills for my inking pens. Plus, hey... mobile studio. Always a big plus. As of right now, there are at least five more Voodoo Walrus pages in the auto uploader queue, two more being being brought to completion in CreepKnight's Word Den and one that has just entered the rough linework phase. That means that there's currently enough pages to keep once a week updates going right on through to the the beginning of August. Because we love you.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 35: Fiery Torrents of Exploding Lemons”
ANOTHER UPDATE?… And.. do I get to be a complete internet douchbag and yell out “FIRST!”?… No.. No I will not. I will say I love the lovely sight of exploding robo dinosaurs in the morning. It looks like someone is going to have a bad day.
A new Walrus page every Thursday for at least the next month and a half. Because we love you all. Feel our love. Sink into its odd heated clamminess as it sticks adhesive medical strips on those places on your back that you just can’t reach.
“Apparently when life gives you lemons, they explode”
after all these years you still expected stuff to Not blow up when Grymm and CK are somehow involved?
When you roll with Grymm and CreepKnight’s insanity, you silently hope for the best, dress for style, chaos, and henchmen fights, and hope like hell there’s a Science Badger with a laser gun watching your back.
Yay yesterday’s makeup matched Ona’s (I love my lime lipstick). Now I just need to save up for some lovely latex wear.
Lime green is always a good choice. Whether to be ravey or fun or hint towards your true nature as an evil Disney villain.
Aww. You really think I could manage Disney Villain? Damn now I need to find minions that can sing background while I monologue (I definitely won’t be singing That’s for sure).