The Voice of Voodoo
Hi all. We'd just like to take a moment and send out a thank you to a lot of you. As you might recall, earlier this year we released the Volume 1 Voodoo Walrus PDF "Year of the Badger". Well, not only did a number of you buy copies, but enough of you bought copies to reach two very important milestones. Most importantly, enough people have bought copies that, Voodoo Walrus has been self sustaining cost wise all year. In fact, not only have profits supported the hosting costs through to the end of July (as in the money we pay for the website to exist on a secure machine somewhere), but it's also covered the annual cost of us keep our grimy digits choked around the domain name of It's all thanks to you all who've loved the comic enough to throw your hard earned dollars our way and we adore you that much more for it! That said, we think we should let you know that we've been keeping track of order info and have decided that we might just offer a special discount price on Volume 2 to those who have bought and will buy Volume 1 before Volume 2 goes on sale... That said.... The other milestone that was reached was that of the secret number of copies it would take for us to seriously start up production of Volume 2. So it's been started and Volume 2 will contain all of the archive from 2010. You know, the year of the Eggrolls story. And we intend to jam even more awesomeness into Volume 2 in the way of extras than we did for Volume 1. Because we want you to be happy. It is going to be a bit before it's ready for release though. Lots of extra writing, art, layout, and other bits to do. And if you haven't snagged a copy of Volume 1 yet, then by all means, snag one right here! We'd adore you for it! By god, if PDF sales could support the site for the entire year, I'm pretty sure we'd be able to die of happiness right then and there. We won't. Much to the disappointment of our many enemies. But we COULD. And that's the important thing. Come back Friday for a turn right into pure ridiculousness.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 21: The Capitalist Wastelands of Virginia”
Rhaina Kincaid
YAY! I might not be getting a discount but I have the PDF of vol on my birthday list and am pushing it hard on the people who gift me things. Unless I end up with disposable income before they can then I’ll get it myself.
William Brown
Looking forward to getting volume 2, as volume one was eaten by my puter when the secondary harddrive died.
This reminds me of the time I drove two days straight to visit family in Georgia.. Trust me after a while caffine pills do nothing and your mind… doesn’t like you.