Grymm Ramblings
Right then. Its early Sunday evening. I just lost a few bucks playing cards. I have stuff to do. I have the beginnings of a headache and I've been in the studio entirely too long. Here's the comic. Discuss CreepKnight's awesomeness amongst yourselves. Be it the awesomeness of his characters, or the real CreepKnight's awesomeness in the realms of writing and lettering. Also, in case you missed it, we're discontinuing a t-shirt design since it hasn't sold a lick since it went up. And I have issues with the store being too cluttered. So, snag one for yourself and be one of the few to own the first Napoleon design to have ever been made. Who knows? It may be a collectors item one day. You have until this Friday. Once this Friday comes and goes, so too will "Reading Let's You Float".
0 thoughts on “Bad Cheese from the 5th Dimension 5”
Were you out last night Grymm or asleep around 10:00?
Yep. Out with CreepKnight and a tiny blonde.
Are we talking top of head equal to your chin tiny or fit in your pocket tiny?
im voting for fit in pocket tiny.
You should have called. We were right by your house. We could have picked you up. And put you on the counter.
I was standing outside Grymm’s window breathing on his glass in the dark. But he wasn’t home.
@Khavren We’re talkin’ head equal to chin-ish. I’m not allowed around fit in the pocket tiny ones anymore. They break too easy.
Man I love picking through produce, finding those worthy of my palatte…than leaving ones that look appetizing out in plain view though I know they are unfit for consumption! Bwahahaaa…and than seeing a hapless fool take them like they are gold amuses me further.
You are a very particular Man Mr. Creepknight, it is heartening to see~
My fingers usually tell me everything I need to know.
Molesting the produce TskTsk… See, children innately know which of the veggies have been molested and that’s why they put up a fuss at dinner when adults try to make them eat them. You’re the reason my roommate’s two year old throws a fit every time it sees squash aren’t you, CreepKnight?
Nope. It does that because it’s a two year old, it thinks that screaming is a self-defense technique, and it believes the squash is attacking it.
I would nominally agree.
squash only attacks once ingested… it fights from within.
That seems terribly count-intuitive on the squash’s part.
kamikaze vegetables
Make sure CK never goes to Soviet Russia, since everything is backwards there n stuff. :3
I don’t know; I’ve balled melons in Soviet Georgia before. It wasn’t so bad…
I do that. I am neither proud nor ashamed, but my mango-based desserts are always fresh.
Amen dammit. It’s the only way to be sure.
I once carved a pentagram into a grapefruit and told my dad’s preacher that it was a good qaulity one. The man actually fainted. I am not making this up. To this day, the man keeps a vial of holy water on him to sprinkle on vegetables. And I got banned from my dad’s church.
When someone says “I am not making this up” I’m inclined to believe that they are. I’m just saying.
Instant response, I know. But EVERYONE I’ve ever told this story to calls bullshit on me. I’m thinking of just hunting down the priest and have him follow me on a leash so that HE can tell the story. Although, it was VERY funny when my dad invited him to thanksgiving. He insisted on doing half the cooking so that I couldn’t infect it with my “satanic rituals”. Silly priest. I worship the last slice of a 4-meat extra-cheeze pizza. Not satan.
Clean up in the Produce Alse. Clean up in Produce. Thank you.
Why do I get the feeling that this actually happened in real life?
Probably because we take almost all of our influence from actual events we’ve experienced first hand!
Wow, you guys are quick! Like, on the ball, or in this case the eggplant, because melons do not apply.
There’s a reason I like to go grocery shopping.
What did hobo jesus look like in real life? And how did it feel, being a floating cloud after the earth got vaporized?
Well, Hobo Jesus was actually a lot less green. More of a reddish purple really. But he’s dead now. The cholesterol fairies caught up to him and danced the murder dance on his heart.
The vaporization of earth, was admittedly, completely fabricated. Around the castle we actually debate as to just how canonical Hobogeddon is to the overall storyarc save for the intro of Mirth and the fact that Grymm’s cell phone is one of those huge brick like contraptions for the 80’s/90’s.
OOOOOh really? Can I have his phone number then?
@Sandra Who’s number? Hobo Jesus’ number? He doesn’t have one! He’s dead! Plus he never had a cell phone. I’d offer up Rook’s number, but he dismantled his phone in attempt to make a laser gun again.
Woulda worked to if ya hadnt locked yer sock drawer and chained up the liquer cabinet
Then why didn’y you go to his secret whisky distillery?