Grymm Ramblings
New story arc time! That's right. The Masked T-Square page for the ending of 2010 wasn't just random nonsense. Welcome the Mass, back to the comic folks. As promised, he's not just some random throwaway character. Tuck in. We're going somewhere with this. Working on the coloring for this one was really exciting. Not for the images at hand, but for the fact that as has been stated before, the Mass is one of the first ever comic ideas CreepKnight and I worked on together. It just feels wonderfully exciting to finally get to share him with an audience. We've got a lot planned for this year folks. Strap in. Its gonna get weirder, creepier, more amusing, and entirely more epic than before.
0 thoughts on “Red Tape and Capes 1”
Mercenary Clown
huzzah! we shall see the masked T-square again
i missed that lovable psycopath
Mercenary Clown
oh you tease
What can I say? I’m good at what I do. And I tease a mighty tease and jig a spectacular jig.
Man, I LOVE Akhmed Foreign Bistro. That place has the best hummus.
Oh god… You actually tried the hummus? My condolences.
I like the design for the hallway, I might steal that for my place
Yes! We shall be the first webcomic to inspire interior design! Fuck you Martha Stewart! We proved you wrong!
Yay Mass! I’ve been waiting for this!
So have I! Though I look forward to every story arc we do… So maybe I’m a bit bias.
Congrats, Grymm. Your pioneering into the creepy and absurd inspires me.
Though humanity in general may suffer, young artists fly on the leathery wings of you inspiration.
At least those wings are real and not the Feathery ones of mimicry, that so did make Icarus fall to his death. Poor boy, should have been told tracing is not the way of the artist.
Pshaw. Didn’t you get the memo? Tracing is totally the cool thing to do now. Marvel Comics even pays an artist that does nothing but trace poses from action movies and such. Almost as sweet a gig as Jim Davis paying people to copy and paste images of Garfield to make comic strips.
I hardly consider this to be pioneering of anything. Save for the pioneering of awesomely shaded creepy hooded man hands. But hey, I’ll take what I can get!
Speaking of, what exactly was T-square singing?
La Boheme? O Fortuna? Jonathan Coulton?
I just spent the past two days reading from page one up to the most recent, and I must say I absolutely love this series.
Nothin’ warms my heart quite like someone diggin’ the comic enough to make their very first comment communicatin’ just that fact. We here at the Walrus love you for your love of what we love to do!
And we love what you love to do! And eggrolls. Who doesn’t like eggrolls?
Mercenary Clown
the mercenary clown loves egg roles…
though…Mirth can tell you that i am addicted like a crack head to crab rangoon…..
Crab rangoon is the food of gods, finding a place that makes it properly is harder than a quest for the Holy Grail.
I, for one, fucking love eggrolls. This little chinese place down the road from us makes awesome eggrolls They are delicious and they are the food of the very gods themselves.
Mercenary Clown
yes, the rangoon is the food of the gods…i have ordered literally $20 dollers for delivery…and nothing else…
of course…next chance i get, i may ask for payment in rangoon…hmmmm
I have an aunt who makes homemade eggrolls. They are DELICIOUS. I, for one, say good luck finding a chinese place who makes them better.
New story arc is looking better and better.
This is just the first page of the brand new mass story arc.
Yeah but I always fear the new ones. This is a good opening in my eyes.
Sunshine The Destroyer
I luv this comic. Not only has it made my room mate afraid to read over my shoulder but now he even hesitates to touch my computer for fear of catching the crazy. I humbly offer Mountain Dew and Pizza as a show of my gratitude.
You totally can’t see it, but upon approving your comment, I threw my arms into the air and bellowed “VICTORY FOR US!” Ans cackled. Just a little.
Sunshine The Destroyer
Victory for you indeed. Now if only I could figure out how use the Walrusy goodness to keep him from staring at my chest while I do dishes….
Tell him each time you catch him staring at your chest you’ll tie him to a chair, turn on the worst song you can think of that he hates but you enjoy and force him to read the Walrus. If he fears us…he should relent.
Threats are good. Threaten to become a close and personal friend of ours and then show him the “Jerry Incident”: . Our wrath isn’t limited to simply abusing and traumatizing boyfriend type males. We love brutalizing the fleshy squish brains of all testosterone poisoned menfolk that stand in our way or the ways of anyone we know. Or the ones that just stare at chests too much.
We’re comfortable with our hypocrisies.
Fear of death and dismemberment. Start collecting knives.
My advice? Introduce him to your friend Mr. Baseball bat. Explain to him how your friend doesn’t like him staring at your chest. Then explain how you would just HATE for him and Mr. Baseball bat to get into an arguement. Threats, and a baseball bat as your friend!
Sunshine The Destroyer
Thanks all!! And people say the people on the internet are weirdos and freaks.
Mercenary Clown
you could always hire the Mercenary Clown…i believe it was Marchosias who said my theme song was Dirty Deeds (done not so cheap) but i have a guarantee….if he bothers you after i deal with him, ill return and finish the job:)
(i don’t do money back guarantees due to i spend the money on crab Rangoon, everclear, and ammo/weapons faster then i can get paid)
Sunshine The Destroyer
Indeed I could if I had money. Plus I dont really want him damaged…he does pay have the rent after all
Mercenary Clown
i dont have to hurt him, i could always scare him…badly…:)
im good at all sorts of jobs…and have scared the unscarable, killed the unkillable, and maimed the unmaimable….
And than there’s the rest of us who simply cackle at your antics. Speaking of, you owe me a Nidgogg. *waves finger* I needed him, he was not to be made into tasty riblets for eatings. I have a few Val’kyr and Elder spirits but I rather liked my Nidgogg, I called him my schnukums and he made a wonderful foot rest.
jeezus man. this ain’t no want ads page chachi. whorin yerself out to the highest bidder has its place. that place is craiglist. or in those fuckin high class coffee shops that dont serve real coffee and are just full of pretentious whiny emo rich kids that hate each other. besides yer steppin on my toes here that aint kosher. anybody else suddenly want pickles?
Mercenary Clown
ill go for pickles…however, i dislike those fancy, high end “coffee” shops filled with whiny emo’s….and last time i used craigslist, i got a call and showed up, but it turned out to be octomom trying to have me put on a baby costume for some fetish wear…and even i have some dignaty…well…maybe not, but the money wasn’t right….
Professionals have standards, after all.
Mercenary Clown
and my standard is my wages…but, out of professional courtasy, i wil cut back on my self promoting….now all, but some…i gotta give rook sme competition
Christ. I’m gone for a few days and the comments just explode.
We keep ourselves entertained whilst you are away. AS a matter of fact I purchased myself a new fedora and a corset~!
The height of fashion – and my surveillance departments’ day!
Why March if I didn’t know better I’d say you enjoyed my corsets as much as I do. *hand on hip, waving a whip in the other* And tell your surveillance people that I don’t appreciate them trying to find out where I get them. That will truly end the world I tell you!