For those that may need the reminders:
Cyradwee met is downfall at the end of the Meatnecks and Boomsticks storyarc.
However, contrary to what the Voodoo Walrus crew believes, Cyradwee is still very much alive as seen here.
Grymm Ramblings
There's very few internet reviewers that CreepKnight and I both enjoy. Diamanda Hagan is most definitely one of those few though. Whether it's the special kind of energy and vibe she radiates, the attitude she projects, or the the shameless slaughter of all those in service to her, there's just something about her that he truly enjoy. Thus, we just couldn't help but pay tribute to her in the only way we know how, by transcribing her awesome in to comic form. You can find Diamanda's videos at her blog here. Our at her Blip archive here. They're well worth the watch. Thank you Diamanda. For being awesome, for keeping us amused and entertained, and for your permission in using your likeness for what we believe is a particularly lovely comic page!
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 36: Regarding Toledo”
Wow, I’ve been SO deprived!
I’d never even heard of Diamanda Hagan before. But I just looked at her blog and her YouTube channel, and I am hooked!!
Bless you sirs for the intro.
Grymm Grymmowski
As always, we’re just doin’ what we can to inject more awesome into everyone’s lives!
Rhaina Kincaid
I’m not sure what freaks me out more the ambiguously androgynous fan or the severed head mounted on that razor-faced hellhound-thingy.
Grymm Grymmowski
Severed head? What severed head? That’s just a fan crying with tears of pure joy at being in the presence of Voodoo Walrus! Fans do that all the time! Crying from head wounds. With red tears…
Rhaina Kincaid
I don’t doubt walrus fans cry tears of blood in joy at being in your presences. HOWEVER, I know for a fact we tend to have “gleam of madness” not “dead fish” eyes
William Brown
Love Diamanda. Now if could get you guys together for a review the world would shake from the pure awesomeness
Robbie Quattrocchi
ehhh, not scary enough, she frightened the shit out of me when I first saw her on the Nostalgia Critic.