Grymm Ramblings
I'm typing this yesterday. Which makes sense since from your time perspective, I couldn't be typing it currently. Its important to note that this is being typed yesterday because yesterday was kind of an important date. July 21st. Many of you don't realize it, but July 21st 2009 is the day Voodoo Walrus made its triumphant re-entrance back into the party of the internet. Before then we had been on hiatus and before even then we had been limited to the webcomic ghettos** such as DrunkDuck and Comicgenesis. But Marron came down from on high and offered us server space to host the Walrus and her web know how to get a comicpress site going for us. She's like a glorious sexy ginger Jesus*. And we adore her. Even if we have long since killed the server she gave us space on.
So what am I getting at? Good question. Its been a while since I rambled and it felt like our pseudo anniversary would be a good topic to blather on about. After all, we've done a lot in these past... has it really been just two years? Yes. Yes it has. We've done a lot in these past two years. We've overhauled the layout of the comics a couple times. We've learned a metric shit ton of what works and what doesn't work. We've experimented and dabbled. We've even scared some of you off with our totalitarian and gestapo like behind the scenes actions. We've also produced something on the order of about 200 comic pages in that time. That's roughly 8 or 9 issues of a mainstream comic book right there. And that's not too shabby at all considering we're only two people and a webmistress, none capable of devoting more than very casual part time attention to the Walrus despite deep rooted desire to do just that.***
A number of months ago I utilized The Formspring to ask Kris Straub, creator of the webcomic Starslip if he had any advice for a pair of up and coming webcomic makers just looking to expand their audience past what Project Wonderful and keeping a constant dedicated update schedule could provide. He gave the exact same answer I was expecting. It basically boiled down to there's nothing to be done about it. You shouldn't even expect significant growth until you enter your third year of being constantly active. Yet we have noticed significant growth since this time last year. We just haven't noticed significant growth in the past few months. At the same time, we haven't noticed any significant decline in viewing. So that counts for something. I choose to see it in such a way that we're currently resting on a convenient plateau before continuing our upward journey up the sheer, difficult to climb up skyscraper of internet fabulousness.
*We have no interest in washing her feet or having her die for our sin though. Optimus Prime already died for our sins back in the 80's and we're pretty sure that it still counts.
**You might think this is rather insulting to the places where we started out. We think its rather insulting to have FTP upload servers randomly stop working or to have an entire community in which the only way to really get noticed is to have you comic be comprised of World of Warcraft screen shots or poorly drawn and thought out anime inspired schlock.
***That said, I'd like to take this footnote to remind everyone quite bluntly that if regular donations, print sales, or purchases of donation desktop wallpapers actually started up, we'd easily be able to start offering more than just two pages a week not to mention even more goodies beyond that. Simple math.
Now that you've read all that, why don't you head on over to Geek--Like and check out CreepKnight's first Crypt of CreepKnight article wherein he discusses the horror movie genre! Go go go go!
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 20: Important Morality Lessons”
So much information… too much. Optimus? Innsmouth? Optimus in Innsmouth? Optimus versus Barnabas Marsh? Oh, mercy, I need sleep…
Too much information? I know why your nipples smell of smoked pepperonis with just a hint of garlic. You should be ashamed.
If women can have sushi eaten off them, then why can’t beautiful women eat smoked pepperoni off of me? Gender equality is a stake here! If women can’t use me as a plate while I wear nothing but Speedos and a smile, then I’ll emigrate to somewhere less judgmental!
And I don’t feel shame anymore – not since I added wasabi to the menu…
Because the Queen has said its wrong and indecent on multiple occasions and where we come from, we respect the Queen!
We do?
No. We don’t.
Thought not. *firm nod*
Will B
Of course unless that Queen is Elton John, or Queen with Freddy Mercury.
Well, yes of course, if you mean a singing Queen, then by all means. But when it comes to stuffy Brits telling me that gorgeous women can’t eat delicatessen meats off my pecs, then no. Hell no.
That’s a terrible over generalization. More than half of my commissioner customer base is comprised of Brits and they’ve proven if anything that they’re some of the nicest, friendliest, trustworthiest people around. Polite, well read, capable of putting letters and words together in a proper and correct way and capable of using spell check. And not nearly as terribly repressed and ignorant as so many other people out there.
True, true. I refer simply to that peculiar hardcore of people that are the bane of existence. Just the holier-than-thou-invite-your-mother-back-to-their-hotel-room-bastards. You could say I have issues. And you’d be right.
We all have issues, its what makes us fun and unique~ by he way that ermine arrived and she’s settled in quiet nicely. I gave her a lovely silver collar and she’s already the queen of my ratty minions besides myself. I think I shall name her Freyja.
Freyja? Classy. I approve.
Here’s to two years out of hiatus, and many great years to come.
On a mostly unrelated note. Is anybody else sending in questions for Ask Creepknight? I would love another episode to come out.
If questions are sent, questions will be answered. The only reason there hasn’t been a new episode is because no one has bothered to send questions to him! On that note, to all reading this, if you want a new episode of Ask CreepKnight, then send your question(s) to and make sure you put Ask CreepKnight in the subject header. The easy part is on you good people to do. From there all the difficult parts are in CK’s hands.
in other wards stop staring at my boobies! XD
Moneys are saved, pockets are refilled. Also what was this about bikini fights with ninjas I briefly saw on the last page?
Will B
Too late. It got pushed back cause you demanded Grymm in medical school. Now all of us have to do without the glory of the VW girls in bikinis. Thanks allot lance. Wait let me find my lead shot filled aluminum baseball bat to properly thank you.
why not make the bat solid titanium alloy, makes it fancier
s.p.c.? what does that mean?
Special Pacifier Commando’s?
…I love how…/fangy/ Creepknight’s smile is when the talk of money comes into the equation. Especially if its lots of money. SPC was the Super Hero group that is allowing him to be a superhero remember? One of the stipulations was a comic! *laughs*
Oh thank god!! He’s wearing pants!
Nope that cut is distinctly kilt. Bet he’s regimental too.
Lord Creepknight and Captain Grimm naked rolling in money… yup. My mind is a horrible horrible place and should be a country just so I can nuke it and make it stop. Seriously what is wrong with my brain. I think it all stems back to the time I fell face first into a beehive when I was five years old. That or me licking the electrical socket when I was sever… the time I sniffed paint thinner?… that time I listened to Brintney Spears on purpose to see what is was about?… maybe this isn’t a one incident explanation.
So random guy with awesome telepathic powers just appears and is living in an apt unknown to our heros. Suddenly, he offers to pay them to put him in a comic. All of a sudden, he is the answer to their problems.. i.e. money. Do I detect a trap?
well no it’s not a trap. See arcieves. That is The Mass. The super hero T-Square talked to.
That’s of course not to say the delicious steampunk lady we’ve seen him with isn’t part of a trap but now her paramour has heard the name “Rip” and might just recall he’s prone to seeking his new comic artists’ destruction enough that they’re paranoid.
I thought that panel 4 was hilarious, the expressions were priceless
and Grymm’s last comment in the panel comes up a year later!