Grymm Ramblings
That's it for this arc! The Mass will return though. The Masked T-Square too! But for now, let's mosey back to Richmond and see what the Walrus crew is up to by now.
Musings of a CreepKnight
Firstly, I would like to start off by saying how much I love the Mass. As one of our first collaborative pieces, it's been truly enjoyable and nostalgic privilege to finally get to see this character in print.
Secondly, this next story arch also promises to be a genuinely fun experience... at least where we're concerned. So get ready folks.
But right now I'd like to talk briefly about "Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question." The idea behind doing this segment came from Grymm's and my discussions on amusing internet videos. If you read Grymm's twitter, you'll notice that he often talks about listening to podcasts and web videos while he works on the comic and on his other art pieces. But since he's very picky about what is subtable material and what isn't (which is why I advise against posting a bunch of random links on the discussion board), I thought I would try to do something to make his search a bit easier. That, and as you've all noticed, I don't post here very often as I'm a huge fan of discussion boards. It's not my thing. I'm long winded, often very formal (at least moreso than is required in chat boards), and I have tendency to ramble when I don't self edit. This style of communication, in my opinion, does not lend itself to discussion boards (hence the trope TL;DR).
So I decided to do "Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question." Maybe it's not inventive or original, but it was fun. And I've decided to keep doing it. How it will work is I will do questions as they come to me and when I get five or six minutes worth of footage, I'll post a video. So the length between episodes is entirely up to you guys. I only ask the following things: send them to my email ( with the heading "Ask CreepKnight," try and keep your questions seperate or atleast topic related, and if you ask a yes or no question, follow it up with "why?" "how?" or another explanative. And I will literally answer anything. Can't decide if you should take that promotion at work? I'll tell you! Can't decide between chocolate, strawberry, or cookie dough ice cream? I'll tell you! Want to know what's happening in Voodoo Walrus the next month/year/decade? I'll... give vague spoilers like a Rom fortune teller, but I'll tell you!
So don't just say "I can't wait for the next one!" Actively make it happen! Amuse Grymm! Amuse yourselves! Amuse me! Is there anything "Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question" can't do?* I don't know, but I hope we find out together!
*"Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question cannot cure any disease, sickness, or mental illness. Please consult your physician instead.
0 thoughts on “Red Tape and Capes 4”
Mercenary Clown
hmmm…seems im not the only one who is a shameless self advertizer.
Nice way to drum up business. I should do the same. Now all I need is a business.
ROFLMAO… good stuff as always.
MEAT…SANDWICH! The Beartrap is awesome, great GWAR reference. If you ain’t Balsc you ain’t shit!
Mercenary Clown
so no one but ballsac is shit?
or everyone but ballsac aint shit.
naw, i like my old
you aint cav, you aint shit
haha, word. It’s a GWAR slogan.
Mercenary Clown
i know….
GWAR is the shit….
then again….GWAR stole it from the Cavalry…but it works
MC, mind your tongue.
Mercenary Clown
i sowwy mirth
As always might fine work gentlemen.
What kind of sandwich is Bearclaw nomming?
why a meat sandwich of course!
That would be a lettuce, marinara and bear cub sandwich right there.
sounds delicious!
Does he catch them himself? Or does he have a service?
I’m willing to bet he gets more pleasure out of lying in wait, jaws opened wide and gaping waiting for his prey himself.
With two halves of bread and a jar of Grey Poupon.
Mercenary Clown
ahhh,,,i want bear cub!
Sunshine The Destroyer
*eye twitch* The horror. Oh the carnage and downright insanity. How? How I ask you is he talking with no mouth….or head? It’s not right!!! Not right I tell you!!! *Screams and faints as her brain explodes*
Best not to prod too deep into the mysteru of the apple headed person biology. You may not like what you find*.
*Seeds. So many seeds. Everywhere.
Sunshine The Destroyer
*drools all over herself because your sagely advice came too late*
Interesting; although I slept a good 20 hours yesterday while fighting off this sickness, I still somehow remember reading this comic. I must have peeked at it before it went live. Regardless, great job as always! Looking forward to the next arc.
Here’s hoping you’re feeling better now!
I shall give you the recipe to a secret family soup, made from the still beating hearts of your enemies, that will cure all of your sicknesses forever! But seriously, ckicjen broth and crushed red pepper. Lots of it. Add other seasonings too. So that it doesn’t get bland.
That sounds good. Growing up, when I was sick, my grandma used to make udon (Japanese broth with buckwheat noodles) and a little bit of crushed pepper. I actually used to go over to her house when I was sick and have her make it for me even though I’m in my twenties now. She passed away last year, so this year when I got sick, I had to beg my mom to bring me udon because that’s seriously the only thing that makes me feel better.
I am sending get better vibes to you as we speak.
Just for clarification, “get better vibes” does not mean another cardboard cut out of me in a European swim suit.
Hahaha, that’s good to know.
Dammit, Grymm – Stop playing with the weather. It is 20 degrees in central Texas and dropping.
The local population of armadillos and bar-hoppers can’t take this cold.
If this keeps up, I’m going to have to bare my ripped abs in a shirtless polar-bear run, luring drunken rednecks to their hypothermic doom.
What makes you think it was Grymm?
We both have access to the weather machine…
I know it’s Grymm because the icicles forming on the cacti spell ‘GRYMM’.
So I can do pretty much whatever I want to you and all I have to do to avert blame is have some other person’s name spelled out at the scene of the crime?
Who knew super-villainy was so simple?
I would also like to point out that it was sixty-eight degrees here today for just long enough for me to take all the December-us decorations out to the cave for annual storage. Is this a coincidence, or am I deliberately trying to make you paranoid?
You be the judge…
Excuse me while I erupt into a fit of maniacal laughter.
I will soon invent a method of punching you through the screen.
It will be very quickly followed by an inverted spike covered screen guard coated in broken glass and salt water.
And snow.
I should not be allowed caffeine after midnight. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Eh? What now? I’ve spent the past 18 hours in the UK helping Bowler bag long haired Irish/Scottish/kilted men to add to her collection. I don’t even remember where the keys are to start the sacrifice engines to run the weather machine.
In the usual place.
You know, not 20 minutes ago we were saying “Hey, Vensik hasn’t commented in a while.” How do you always know just when to pop up like that?
“long haired Irish/Scottish/kilted men”
Wonderful taste! Though I’ll admit I’m less discerning about nationality. (I hear that the week following February 14th there’s a convergence of long-haired men on the Arizona Desert where they don armor and swing sticks at one another followed but drunken revelry and home brewed alcohols)