Musings of a CreepKnight
Please stand by...
Grymm Ramblings
Hey everyone, I don't have much to say. I'm terribly busy with all kinds of stuff so I may be scarce at responding to comments. They will be seen though. The important bit I need to let you know about is how this is the last day that the "Reading Let's You Float" t-shirt will be available. It'll be dashed from the Voodoo Walrus RedBubble store sometime Saturday evening or Sunday morning (we figure it would be nice to give people a little extra time since not everyone checks the site on the day updates go live)
Its still safe to say as of me writing this, that no one yet owns this t-shirt design. Further cementing its place in collectible-ocity!

0 thoughts on “Bad Cheese from the 5th Dimension 6”
Glorious! Though the testicle kicking comment had me wincing. I personally always wanted to free all the lobsters at the store.
Lobster! Yummy! I want Seconds!!!!
Here’s just hoping that Rook doesn’t mistake them as Arizonan Blood-carvers again and burn them alive.
Will B
Ummm Mirth sweetie, dad say knock off the blowing cover crap. You know as well as I do that the mere mortals will catch on. (Though in the artist case it may just make them draw better and write more.) So save show true self for apocalypse. P.S. sends his love and request you watch over the boys.
Grymm, when I opened my deviantArt mailbox a few moments ago, you invited all recipients to tell you how much sleep we would lose after seeing the center panel. I, and the masses I speak for, tell you this: holy fuck. Not the Holy Fuck of the succubi who worship coitus, though they’re fun too, but sweet-wrath-on-high is that disturbing.
-Good show, sir. Good show.
I do the work of the gods. The dark, malignant, tendrilly gods, but gods nontheless.
I had a friend call me over to cook some crabs for her cause she really liked crab, but they where so cute, she couldn’t “murder” them… what is with people not being able to murder delicious crustaceans? lol
I’ve just never been able to see the appeal of crab or lobster meat in general. Always seems tough and tasteless to me. Give me the meat of something far more adorable or deadlier. Like sharks, or dolphins.
Either 1. you have only had really crappy crab/lobster, it wasn’t fresh, or worse, you had it at a buffet…lol…
or 2. you confused the imitation with the real thing which is tough and nasty…
Crab and lobster are both very flavorful and tender if its really fresh, even the frozen fresh stuff is nasty, has to be alive, and just murdered to be tasty, because with crustaceans, the second they die their flesh starts to break down…
Also, both Shark and Dolphin are very tough unless carefully cooked,and very strong flavored, the shark especially, I found a slow simmer in a sweet soup the best for shark, chicken brother with carrot worked great… but many people like their shark grilled, I dont, but I did like grilled dolphin steaks, pretty odd flavor though…
it seems that, whene the time comes, gaining the millitary support of the lobster race will be easy, ive neveer put thier kinsmen into cages and smashed them into tiny delicious pieces, babies on the other hand….
Lobsters have huge claws and spindly legs from birth. Human infants have… the ability to shit themselves stupid. I may not be a mathologist, but even I can do the math on that.
“Reading Let’s You Float” tee is going….going…
We should build a moat.
What the heck icon?
We totally should. Not nearly enough moats in use these days.
The walrus site found me… it has my picture! Why?! It’s become sentient! Someone get me my pitchfork and gavel!
What are you babbling about? Your avatar is still just a weird little checkboard thing. Have you had your morning espresso transfusion?
I swear it was a picture of me a minute ago…
The site was proving it knows where I live. Well I know where the server is Site!
You do? WE don’t even know where the server is! Well not specifically anyway.
It pays to keep eyes on things.
You know, it would’ve been amazing if right as I checked the site and saw your “It pays to keep eyes on things.” comment, I had then turned to my right and you were standing there at my window.
No, that was last night. And you didn’t see me.
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