Grymm Ramblings
The awesomeness of the color work on this page broke the old timey filter we were using. That said, slime and alien heads are fun to draw and color. EDIT: OH HEY! SOMETHING I'VE BEEN MEANING TO BRING UP FOR A WHILE! Anyone have any interest in actually owning the original linework of any comics? Not prints of reproductions. The one of a kind, sole existing originals. All the originals live safely in their very on filing cabinet, but quite honestly, they're just... well existing there. Not being enjoyed. I've always thought it better that people being able to enjoy and own art than for it to just sit around orphaned in my archives. So let us know if you'd like to own the original pieces and if there's interest, we'll figure out a good way to manage pricing and fairness of availability!
0 thoughts on “Flashback! 1: The Exile 3”
Her expression in the last frame is priceless.
There are no words to describe the awesomeness of this strip.
Will B
Ahh That is where test subject 252 came from. Thank you gentlemen. She is quiet a useful specimen. It was much easier that she came prebroke. Make the experiments much easier.
Or rather I should say
Fun Fact: This comic is best read to The Omen score. For best effect, use the original, and not the death metal remix.
Will B
I’ve also found that the Queen of the Damned soundtrack works well with the joyous insanity of Voodoo Walrus.
Will B
To answer your Edit. Would love some the line work and original cells. But as it is still scraping together the cash to get the pdf and the latex. So it a yes I want but no can’t afford right now. (Maybe when my sewing/fetish wear business gets off the ground.)
Be sure to let me know how that goes with the fetish wear. Latex is about the only fabric my fetish wear collection doesn’t contain.
Well, latex and fish leather….really want a fish leather corset some day.
Will B
The corset is easy. It the fish leather that hard to get.
And once get the latex VW Dr. outfit finished will post pics online and link it to here.
I love how Grymm is like a walking non sequitor, the pencils were a nice touch by the way.
I’d like to think that Grymm has things rigged up in just the right way that the pencils can be launched as projectiles and new pencils and then ratcheted into place.
So, are the cacooned children destined to feed Grimm’s hat or experiencing metamorphism into Voodoo Walrus followers?
Step 1: Cocoon peers. Step 2:….. Step 3: …..
Rinse and repeat until bored or distracted by shiny things.
… it says noting good to me that my first throughts were “Whoa!” and “awww they are buddies…”
Folks, this is history in the making. The First Voodoo Walrus victim known to History.
I pity the mental Hospitals who thought that no one could be driven this insane, they are about to receive a flood of such people. Poor, poor psychiatrists.