Grymm Helps to Jog Your Memories...
Looks like that random filler ***way back in Wrath of Con wasn't quite all that random at all. Wait? What's this about Mac's father? Captain Thud? That name sounds familiar... Yes. Yes it does. Though Kansas DID fair slightly better than the entirety of East Dakota... ***For extra bonus hilarity today, check out the news post under the comic this links to, to see my insane, fever driven madness and diseased nightmare comment replies. Sick me is my favorite trainwreck of shame and creepiness. Also, been a while since we plugged this, but for those of you who haven't had down so yet, consider snagging a copy of the Voodoo Walrus Volume 1 PDF! Volume 2 is still in the progress of being put together because we're making sure it's loaded with way more awesome than Volume 1. But how will you ever be able to appreciate the EXTRA added brilliance without having Volume 1 for the sake of comparison? So click here to find out more about getting a hold of a copy of Volume 1 for yourself!
0 thoughts on “After Wrath 19: Double Cross Cow”
Rhaina Kincaid
The plot thickens… and I’m getting the impression that underneath all the taste of vile and evil pigmy floating cow probably tastes an awful lot like chicken.
Grymm Grymmowski
If evil and vile work anything like pickle juice, the meat will taste like chicken from Chik-fil-a.
I don’t know about that. I hold to the Buffy rule: evil tastes chalky. Ergo, pigmy cow tastes like chalk rubbed minute steak.
Grymm Grymmowski
We talkin’ livin’ evil or dead evil (Not to be confused with evil dead) here? One would think that living, dead, or undead status would go a long way in determining the flavor profile.
Rhaina Kincaid
Not to mention seasonings and cooking methods.
Question: how does Napoleon control that headless body he’s got himself attached to?
Grymm Grymmowski
Well it probably isn’t so much a matter of controlling as it is just gluing the neck hole to his belly and float-dragging the body around.
1: Napoleon is probably a headcrab/evil cow hybrid. This is well and good.
2: All Eldritch Jewelery Half-Off? I’m there.
3: Shmeerm has thoughts other than fucking? Philosophically inclined thoughts? Fuck.
4: Ze guy who wrote about sleeping? Well, Shadow did spend a fair amount of American Gods sleeping or otherwise non-corporeally wandering…
5: Captain Thud is back? Oh sweet Erebus, yessss.
Grymm Grymmowski
Oh yes. An appealing sale indeed. But the other sign on that booth is interesting in and of itself is it not? The first few letters of that first word seem… familiar.
You… you two… Tears, good sirs, nothing but tears of joy and pride. Come to Texas, and I shall get you both well and drunk.
Rhaina Kincaid
HA! I was going to ask about that!