Grymm Ramblings
This page looks so much better than Tuesday's Its amazing what's possible when I don't feel like my entire head and respiratory paraphernalia are staging a bloody, goo filled coup on the rest of me.
Stick around folks. Its just going to get bloodier, crazier, and more violent from here.
Also, in case you missed CreepKnight plugging it Tuesday, I'm gonna repeat this news cause it bears repeating:
CreepKnight and myself and working as narrators at Creepy Hollow Scream Park! You should totally come and ask to get on one of our wagons. Its totally worth travelling to Virginia for. Just make sure you ask for Simon the Storyteller or Edgar Grymmstone!
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 3”
Man, I want disco fries now
Gratuitous is suddenly one of my favorite words. Thank you.
But I must protest: Stabbing people has panache.
damn…this comic did make me miss waffle house, and the only thing there I found edible…the hashbrowns, covered and smothered…and some onions…forgot what they called that…lol
Khavren: We’re really good at making people hungry. I’m pretty sure I’ve made people unfollow my Twitter feed by mentioning the delicious chicken parmigiana’s I cook on a semi-regular basis.
Marchosias: While stabbing does have a certain… flair to it, its just tacky if the stabbing’s being done by a faceless hack of a union ninja.
Curator: I find it glorious that one of our bloodiest pages is making people hungry. We have great readers.
Or just seriously twisted readers…same dif though right?
All the blood just reminded me of the delicious chipotle hot sauce I put on my hash browns…mmmmm…damn it, I’m hungry again…
Dammit Grymm! Now I want your chicken parm.