Grymm Ramblings
Good god there's a lot to this one. So much to comment on. CreepKnight's at home? Under his own choice? And happy? Chalk it up to a much needed once a year non-aggression pact that he and his father observe in order to keep Mama CreepKnight happy. So no need for any unsavory doings. Especially from those bastards Crack and Mumbles. Its pretty obvious that Mirth doesn't quite grasp the idea of Christmas*. Or maybe she just wants to give it a taste of its own medicine for trampling all over Halloween every year. Either way, she'd like Christmas* a lot more if the Krampus was given equal billing to the fat man and the hippy. Grymm's never too concerned with holidays. They're just another day to do art. That's right folks. This arc is going to be all about everyone's favorite stripey mustelid, Professor Kaboodles. For the rest of the month its all Christmas* and badger action. Plus a lot of something else that will be revealed on Tuesday. After all, it can never be too peaceful in the Walrus apartment now can it? Though be aware, this arc is going to be slightly different than what we usually do. Each page is going to feed into the next a lot heavier than usual. So there's not going to be any standalone punchlines here. Just one epic Christmas* story. *We're well aware of the fact that not everyone celebrates Christmas. But it annoys us when people inject the word "Holiday" in to things as a stand in for the word Christmas. So you're getting a Christmas special. Don't worry though, we strictly believe in a Christmas ruled over by the Krampus** and maybe some kind of Yeti King. No messy religion here. **I would totally leave the flayed flesh of naughty children out for the Krampus if he's into that sort of thing. Or maybe to hog tie some kindergarteners for him and leave them out by the door. I bet he's leave me only the shiniest bullwhips and Hell-baubles.
0 thoughts on “Twas the Night Before Crispy 1”
Bit of help, for those of you who have lead sad Krampus-less lives:
I think they are amazing, the tradition should expand!
A christmas special narrated by a mad science badger…… I don’t know whether to be thrilled or terrified.
I prefer celebrating Winter-een-mas myself, being a gamer and all. Especially after the sale Ubisoft had for it last year.
This… Wintereenmas … Does it involve hairy demon beasts punishing rotten, misbehaving child things?
No. It involves playing nonstop video games for the last week of January. The way I celebrate it, personally, is by playing a different game each day, each one honoring one of the seven gods of arcadian. and Lance, I commend you for being a fellow Winter-Een-Mas celebrator.
Will B
As long as your Christmas special don’t involve wookies at home while barely giving us any cast that we used to, (I count Kaboodle as cast) and give us a fucked up holiday like “Life Day” (WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE DAY. LUCAS YOU BASTARD!!!!!) I think it a good thing that The Walrus run a Christmas story. Will think it a great thing. (Just no fucking life day. I SWEAR TO YOU LUCAS YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS AND ALL YOUR MANY CRIMES. I SWEAR IT ON THE HOLY VOODOO WALRUS). *takes his green pills and a swig of Mountain Dew* I okay now. Looking forward to your wonderful story telling and artwork gentlemen bring to life the vivid world that is the Walrus.
For years, George Lucas has been one of the top 44 worst offenders on the Voodoo Walrus Wall of People Who Have Committed Grievous Acts of Hate Against Fiction, Film, and Fantasy. He will be taken care of.
i want to hang lights and decorate with mirth
I think we all do if that’s the dress code.
You think that outfit’s something. Just wait till Tuesday. Muhahahahahahahahaha.
I am very jealous of the outfit in the last panel of Tuesdays comic.
Will B
Well if I can replicate it in real life will let you know. If can will need your size to make it for you. We shall see Tuesday won’t we.
Will B
Yes I sew. Yes I make women’s clothing. Get over it. No i don’t wear it myself.
I don’t care if you wear it yourself or not I need prices, quality, and whether or not you could handle my dimensions.
Will B
I date plus size gals so dimensions are not a problem. As for the others right now it just for fun not profit. Quality is better then store. And if i start sewing VW fashions I have to give 10% to the boys for it being thier designs. (Fairs Fair).
I may have to take advantage of this at some point. I know my photographer would be excited to have me suddenly have even more variety for them.
My name is Khaos and I approve Mirth’s (slightly holiday-confused but still very hot) outfit.
ANd CK, Great job getting that non-aggression pact signed. Now you can get your liquor from your mom in person.
Stripey socks speak to Grymm in his sleep too. I’m not alone!
Speak, scream, babble incoherently… Whatever works.
What do you put those poor socks through? Are you their Sleeping God Cthulhu equivalent?
My feet are perpetually made of ice. That might be part of their suffering. But they’re just being drama queens.
Yeah, an ex once dubbed me “frosty paws” but to be fair we were living in a drafty apartment with no heat in San Francisco.
*peeks at comic looks at Mirth and shrinks down to three feet tall*
… God Bless us every one…
(Sorry Mirth.. had to. I hope you understand if not please take out my left kneecap I use it less then the right one.)
I will take it as a complement Raron.
I have managed to read all of the pages on this site, and I must say this comic fills me with delight.