Rip’s plan partially comes to fruition. Really, Really, Really can’t wait for the tracker to bring his sobbing half alive ass back to the F.U.B.C Headquarters. Soooo many things to do to his still beating carcase. So many ways for the pain to never ever end.
The pain will never end. Period. I slaughtered an entire West Coast fishing town, just to perfect my resurrection capabilities. I can now bring Rook’s mewling corpse back to full, as-healthy-as-we’ll-let-him-get status. Infinitely many times. Also, the coffee in the town’s cafe was unbelievably expensive. They had it coming.
ahhh…necromancy, such a wonderful thing….of course, i for one am glad you will keep bringing him back, i’ve always wanted a reusable target for target practice…
Just carve the name ‘Barney’ in the forehead of a Twilight fan. That purple fucker will bring back anyone. They’ll start singing kids’ songs, but it’s well worth it for a good target.
Mercenary Clown
either that, or i just hire a comic book writer to magic me a target….those guys come back from the dead in the strangest ways
*forehead smack* Independent female pride and knight in shining armor complex clash in such an ugly way (just this weekend I had a wonderful talk with an ex about the fact he didn’t save me from the relationship before him he just happened to be the appealing offer on my way out the door). Unless the lady asks for help it’s always a bad idea to force it on her. Thankfully Rip is going to probably be so smug that he’s going to forget to be subtle about pouring poison in her ears.
I’ve had this problem. I tend to bend over backwards to satisfy my Teutonic sense of right and wrong. Which people tend to take the wrong way… I miss the days when an European accent meant you could honorably deny help right up to your deathbed.
Ah unyielding pride. It doesn’t mater what you call it or what your reasons, it will get you in trouble. I myself have had to rebuild the lab multiple times due to one such situation. You will rue the day you denied me a discount card Mad Science Supplies and Wholesale! So what if I never intentionally created a weapon of mass destruction! The UN still believes the device was meant to be a weapon. If a small village in South America must become a two mile wide smoking radioactive crater during testing so that one day I can teleport an ice cold beverage of my choosing to my location on demand, that that is the price that must be payed!
Seriously… if Rip is behind this… he is gonna die. I mean seriously his death warrent has been signed. I mean there is crazy loco man whose “Settle this in the way of my people” involves sharp pointy things, there is lovable but loony man with T-Square, and there is Bowler.
Do I need to describe Bowler and why she is dangerous? If I do you have NOT been paying attention.
Remember that Rip partnered with Cyradwee to try to destroy Voodoo Walrus, and when Cyradwee failed he sent Mac and Shmeerm to destroy him. Then closed down Infernum Publishing witch thus caused Grymm and Creepknight’s current fiscal troubles. All can be seen on this page
Do you think Hallmart makes cards for people that are going to die horribly?… Something along the lines of a flowery backdrop with the words “See you in hell you horrible ratfuck” printed on them? Cause if not I think Voodoo Walrus could SO corner the market.
Not that I know of. It would make a grand addition to Voodoo Walrus Inc to have that market.
Well after reading and reading this installment of what most of us consider to be the finest use of the internet, I must come to grips with something that I thought would never happen. Sir Creepknight has his head up his ass. Know what your going through in this, as you gave your word that you would always take care your friends. But at this point the best way to help them is to let them help you. So Sir, though it pains me to say this, Stop being an arrogant ass, and let Bowler help before you lose one of your best friends.
I’ll sit in the corner nursing a Champagne watching you gentlemen get to the chorusing stage so that I might have a good laugh after Rip’s manipulations have set my teeth on edge.
Chorusing? Are we to chorus? Shall Merc and I belt out two-part harmonies – sing of wine and women, while Lance handles the backing tunes?
I cannot object. Get your pinstripes on, gentlemen – I feel like playing some Big Bad Voodoo Daddy this evening.
mmmm pin-stripe zoot suits. I had a friend who wore a tailored zoot with green striping and matching hat.
Most men seem to desire to carol when they’ve had good drink poured into them. But oh do please don pinstripes, so long as there’s a fedora involved in that outfit. I do so love the old black and whites with spats to go with it~ I have the champagne already poured.
It’s the class that keeps me coming back here. Bizarre humor, metric volumes of blood, Lovecraft references, yes, but it’s the class that keeps me hooked.
Let’s see – BBVD’s ‘You & Me & the Bottle Makes 3’? I’m feeling it tonight…
Rose, I’m starting to think that the one thing tying many of us Walrus fans together my be a love for fashionable millinery.
Maybe…but it works. Scary no? I can live with it if so. The Walrus ties us together, fashionable millinery just adds glue to that bond. Like Double bubble adhesive…that shit never gets loose.
Besides, in this world of sagging jeans, too tight too small tube tops and13 year olds swinging their asses like they own the world, I think we have a right to gather our group of well dressed individuals with taste and charm.
Mercenary Clown
my zoot suit pinstripe shall have no sleeves, and i shall belt things out while chugging my everclear
Delightful, I expect pictures and full rights to laugh at you as I sip my bubbly. Not that you won’t look dashing, but watching anyone chug everclear is amusing simply for the effects.
Mercenary Clown
hehehe….my dear lady, everclear is my personal drink of choice. doesn’t matter what occasion…or lack of occasion, ive learned to handle my everclear very well
good sir i know your name not but i here tell they call you the aft man are you not jolly? what could be the cuase of such? and what must happen to make this once jolly man now sad again happy?
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 12: Old-World Hubris”
It’s not old world hubris to refuse money offered by someone you already owe so much to.
Will B
Rip’s plan partially comes to fruition. Really, Really, Really can’t wait for the tracker to bring his sobbing half alive ass back to the F.U.B.C Headquarters. Soooo many things to do to his still beating carcase. So many ways for the pain to never ever end.
Mercenary Clown
i will admit he is a slippery bastard….lost him up north when i was attacked by a small army of rats…little things tried to eat my weapons….
The pain will never end. Period. I slaughtered an entire West Coast fishing town, just to perfect my resurrection capabilities. I can now bring Rook’s mewling corpse back to full, as-healthy-as-we’ll-let-him-get status. Infinitely many times. Also, the coffee in the town’s cafe was unbelievably expensive. They had it coming.
Mercenary Clown
ahhh…necromancy, such a wonderful thing….of course, i for one am glad you will keep bringing him back, i’ve always wanted a reusable target for target practice…
Just carve the name ‘Barney’ in the forehead of a Twilight fan. That purple fucker will bring back anyone. They’ll start singing kids’ songs, but it’s well worth it for a good target.
Mercenary Clown
either that, or i just hire a comic book writer to magic me a target….those guys come back from the dead in the strangest ways
Holy Hell RIP? Really? Wow…that is serious business right there. Don’t go Bowler! The boy’s are lost without you!
First time in a long time that I don’t read ahead, and this happens?!
*forehead smack* Independent female pride and knight in shining armor complex clash in such an ugly way (just this weekend I had a wonderful talk with an ex about the fact he didn’t save me from the relationship before him he just happened to be the appealing offer on my way out the door). Unless the lady asks for help it’s always a bad idea to force it on her. Thankfully Rip is going to probably be so smug that he’s going to forget to be subtle about pouring poison in her ears.
I’ve had this problem. I tend to bend over backwards to satisfy my Teutonic sense of right and wrong. Which people tend to take the wrong way… I miss the days when an European accent meant you could honorably deny help right up to your deathbed.
Ah unyielding pride. It doesn’t mater what you call it or what your reasons, it will get you in trouble. I myself have had to rebuild the lab multiple times due to one such situation. You will rue the day you denied me a discount card Mad Science Supplies and Wholesale! So what if I never intentionally created a weapon of mass destruction! The UN still believes the device was meant to be a weapon. If a small village in South America must become a two mile wide smoking radioactive crater during testing so that one day I can teleport an ice cold beverage of my choosing to my location on demand, that that is the price that must be payed!
Damn straight. Collateral damage is just that: Collateral. Mark it down as calibration error, and keep on it. Plasma-induced depopulation be damned.
Seriously… if Rip is behind this… he is gonna die. I mean seriously his death warrent has been signed. I mean there is crazy loco man whose “Settle this in the way of my people” involves sharp pointy things, there is lovable but loony man with T-Square, and there is Bowler.
Do I need to describe Bowler and why she is dangerous? If I do you have NOT been paying attention.
Remember that Rip partnered with Cyradwee to try to destroy Voodoo Walrus, and when Cyradwee failed he sent Mac and Shmeerm to destroy him. Then closed down Infernum Publishing witch thus caused Grymm and Creepknight’s current fiscal troubles. All can be seen on this page
Do you think Hallmart makes cards for people that are going to die horribly?… Something along the lines of a flowery backdrop with the words “See you in hell you horrible ratfuck” printed on them? Cause if not I think Voodoo Walrus could SO corner the market.
Not that I know of. It would make a grand addition to Voodoo Walrus Inc to have that market.
Will B
Well after reading and reading this installment of what most of us consider to be the finest use of the internet, I must come to grips with something that I thought would never happen. Sir Creepknight has his head up his ass. Know what your going through in this, as you gave your word that you would always take care your friends. But at this point the best way to help them is to let them help you. So Sir, though it pains me to say this, Stop being an arrogant ass, and let Bowler help before you lose one of your best friends.
Save yer brain cells! Drink booze :3
Mercenary Clown
i like the way you think good sir
Truly, I am among like-minded brethren.
I’ll sit in the corner nursing a Champagne watching you gentlemen get to the chorusing stage so that I might have a good laugh after Rip’s manipulations have set my teeth on edge.
Chorusing? Are we to chorus? Shall Merc and I belt out two-part harmonies – sing of wine and women, while Lance handles the backing tunes?
I cannot object. Get your pinstripes on, gentlemen – I feel like playing some Big Bad Voodoo Daddy this evening.
mmmm pin-stripe zoot suits. I had a friend who wore a tailored zoot with green striping and matching hat.
Most men seem to desire to carol when they’ve had good drink poured into them. But oh do please don pinstripes, so long as there’s a fedora involved in that outfit. I do so love the old black and whites with spats to go with it~ I have the champagne already poured.
It’s the class that keeps me coming back here. Bizarre humor, metric volumes of blood, Lovecraft references, yes, but it’s the class that keeps me hooked.
Let’s see – BBVD’s ‘You & Me & the Bottle Makes 3’? I’m feeling it tonight…
Rose, I’m starting to think that the one thing tying many of us Walrus fans together my be a love for fashionable millinery.
Maybe…but it works. Scary no? I can live with it if so. The Walrus ties us together, fashionable millinery just adds glue to that bond. Like Double bubble adhesive…that shit never gets loose.
Besides, in this world of sagging jeans, too tight too small tube tops and13 year olds swinging their asses like they own the world, I think we have a right to gather our group of well dressed individuals with taste and charm.
Mercenary Clown
my zoot suit pinstripe shall have no sleeves, and i shall belt things out while chugging my everclear
Delightful, I expect pictures and full rights to laugh at you as I sip my bubbly. Not that you won’t look dashing, but watching anyone chug everclear is amusing simply for the effects.
Mercenary Clown
hehehe….my dear lady, everclear is my personal drink of choice. doesn’t matter what occasion…or lack of occasion, ive learned to handle my everclear very well
good sir i know your name not but i here tell they call you the aft man are you not jolly? what could be the cuase of such? and what must happen to make this once jolly man now sad again happy?