Grymm Ramblings
October is looming over us. As you read this, CK and I are either prepping for, on our way to, or currently at the opening of the Creepy Hollow Hayride here in Virginia. If you're a long time Walrus Embracer, you'll remember in years past that come October, we spend half the month out there entertaining the unwashed masses by being, evil, creepy, and odd. This year is no different. However, we are changing things up a bit for the Walrus. Since attempting to do the hayride and keep the comic going was impossible two years ago, and semi-impossible last year, we're going to experiment. We're still going to update on Tuesday's and Friday's but the updates are going to be smaller and simpler. We're going to use it as an opportunity to share a lot of random ideas we've had that don't exactly fit into the plot or that don't fit into Voodoo Walrus at all. But its all stuff we think is fantastic, so hopefully you will too. Things to expect to here in October: Angry Destructive Metal Things Aggressively Selfish Anti-social Behavior Ninjas The Creative Process
0 thoughts on “Meanwhile… In Vegas 4: Hindsight”
One thing you must ask yourself when your building burns down. “Is my poster of the Doctor ok? Is it gonna make it?”
random person
noticed something completely unimportant but, in the 5th frame, if im right about the flow the eyes of the suited man are supposed to be green since he was the one smoking the cigarette in the previous and following frames
Yup. Violence towards them… called it. Told ya, nerd rage… BEWARE! On a side note….
Why… I leave that up to you.
That’s not violent…yet. First she has to establish the reason she’s beating the shit out of them then they will have a lesson in why you don’t burn down someone’s sacred geek sanctum.
i love fiesty redheads like that. touch thier shit and you die. XD
That is all.
That is good, Sir CreepKnight! It means they still work.
And I lawl’d at the last panel: “It still burns when I pee!” “Damn right it does!”
That is both hilarious and… well, let’s just settle on hilarious, yes?
Keep up the good work, Sir CreepKnight and Lord Grymm!
The General
I do so love it when she kicks ass and takes names, her time as a mistress in the Emporium of Egg Rolls was obviously well spent.
does that mean she will make them pay her for their ass beatings? Or will this one be on the house?
After she is done I would not doubt she’s going to charge for the beating as well as make them pay for her new Grecian palace and enforce slave labor upon them for their presumption she is some mere mortal that can be intimidated by fire.
She works with Voodoo Walrus, really…fire ninjas? I would imagine the fire department knows the boys and girls by name very well.
Uhhh… Question, how was dave smoking through his epic ninja mask? I know that the material allows the wearer to breathe, but wouldn’t the cigarette just be pushed out of his mouth?
The cigarette has a little mouthpiece on the end that he holds in his teeth.