After Wrath 10: Television Is Never The Better Option

Updated Old Business

Hiya folks. Just wanted to float along an update that the original art for these two comics have now been sold. But fear not, there will be more chances to sink your claws into original Voodoo Walrus art in the future!

New Business

Grymm wrote an article for Marron's new site, Pop Cults ! You should check it out. It's basically your crazy Uncle Grymm just stomping around on the front porch, clad in nothing but a top hat and boxers, screaming incoherent things about cartoons! Lots of fun! Read the article here. You can also find stuff by Marron and CreepKnight there too. CreepKnight's Stuff Marron's Stuff Come back next week for just pure, holiday themed fan service.    

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 10: Television Is Never The Better Option

  1. Is, is CK making FUN of this guy?

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