Grymm Ramblings
Its 2:24 in the afternoon yesterday. I'm currently typing these words that will interact with your brain.I started typing with the intention to ramble on about the unseemly trend of people assuming mind altering chemicals equates to higher creativity and just how tacky and incorrect that notion is. However, I just spammed my feed on The Twitter about that. So its out of my system for now. Oh, the comic! Right! Oh wait. Nevermind. I was about to do this entire write-up that would be for FRIDAY'S comic. We're on Tuesday's though... I'll hang on to it then. I got nothin' guys. Bowler in sexy Indian/Native American outfit. There ya go! It occurs to me though that despite regular fan service we offer for those that enjoy the fairer, curvier sex, we never do much for those that enjoy a good eye full of beefcake. Well... there was Shmeerm in his underwear... Well, to be fair that was probably someone else's underwear. And CreepKnight in fetish wear... And those occasions of Grant dangling in all his glory which I won't link back to for the sake of my own sanity (Why do I draw some of the things I draw?) Might have to fix this in the future. After all, we're equal opportunity peddlers of occasional sexiness! So... I got nothin' else. I'm headed back to my drawing table to finish the linework on the last two panels for Friday and then move on to commission work. You want more depth outta me, try to inspire me via commentary.
0 thoughts on “Multiple Meanings 4”
I love the attempt at making Napoleon a nice cowhide rug~ How Grymm managed to tame his hair long enough to get it into a Pompador is beyond me, though that outfit is rather snazzy….
And Creepknight, we have all had those days. Escaping ninja rats waking me up at 1am, when I have work that same morning…its too damned early.
On side note…*grins* First post is mine~ yay Happy Birthday to me~<3
A very happy birthday to ye!
Thank you! So tell me your dark secret….how did you manage to get your hair to do that~?
Well, I stole a portable particle accelerator to start. While forcing it to perform dangerous, potentially reality breaking particle collisions I dipped my hair an industrial drum of this hybrid of extra strength hair gel and boiled down organic koala slurry. Then I used a custom made contraption that looks like a fireplace poker and an alien sex toy had an abominable love spawn to give it that dip.
God directed a tweet at me later that day that basically said “Fuck you, if you ever hack reality like that again, I’ll turn every chicken in existence into a tiny, gristle meated cow monster.”
Surely these things aren’t related in any way though.
*taps chin* So that was the disturbance in the force I felt earlier….My dark senses tingled with mischief on a grand scale…but I had my dark portal closed, and my ninja rats were in their cages, and my March/MC tracker wasn’t showing anything at the time. Now I know the source.
How ever did you find that many koala’s to boil down? Or did you get it pre-boiled for convenience?
And nah, not possibly be related. How could they possibly be related?
Grymm – Koala based products courtesy of Randy Milholland no doubt.
Rose – “March tracker”? Do tell.
I’m sorry sweetie but that would be like disclosing the source of my corsets, a world shattering event. So you’ll just have to know there is a March Tracker and a set of rattie ninja’s plus a few…other things to watch it 24/7~<3
It’s my birthday too!!!!! I turned 18.
Really? Awesome! *highfives* We’re birthday buddies! You are offically my mini-me.
List of things to do:
1. Become International Man of Mystery
2. Be cryogenically frozen in a time capsule
3. Have a threesome with japanese twins
You just melted my brain.
Its the neon pink and green suit isn’t it? I knew that would be a brain breaker.
See? On occasion I have good color suggestions.
I may be color blind, but I do know sadism.
ROFLMAO… exactly…
I was invited to a part next thursday and I need something to melt the brains of at least 12 rednecks and 3 people that display redneck qualities, but haven’t fully converted yet.
Why do you draw some of the things you draw? While researching Surrealis for your challenge/commission I have seen some damn sanity cracking things.
Color coordination aside, what drives you to draw such things as Lovecraft would not have dreamt?
To know would clinch my storyline.
They’re my daymares and fever dreams. Half the Grimoire is pulled from actual dreams I’ve had. Assiega Cusumerick, The Pilgrimage, And I’ll Be There, The Custodians… They’re all derived directly from dreams I’ve had. others are based squarely on the images that have popped into my head and smatterings of things that actually hold meaning and symbolism to me.
Thanks. That’s helpful actually. I ended up tossing a ‘Sin City’ – ish draft, but now I have it.
…The pompadour scares me. Please return the sexy hair tentacles.
As someone with hair long enough to sit on, the knowledge of just how much that weighs makes me wonder if there’s a counter weight on his spine.
Yes, CK, that color combination is pure evil and only a colorblind sadist, raver, or 12 year old would inflict it on others.
Its aerodynamically sound. The same natural process that gives lift to aircraft? That’s what’s keeping all that hair afloat. That, or interdimesional demon magic.
Mercenary Clown
Rosey, you do know there is no possible way to track me, right….my own biochemistry melds and changes far too often, and my body rejects any form of non natural objects (therefore sub-dermal or any other form of tracking device is not possible) and i always bathe in acid, so any form of on the body tracking device will not persist…and i have my personal scanner bots check me for any foreign objects that can survive acid will be detected.
also… it should be noted magic/voodoo/the force/ and all that other heebie jeebie stuff wont work for tracking me…I’ve descended to the darkest pits of oblivion and all other parts of the multiverse to find masters of stealth and detection, therefore rendering me all but invisible….you can still see me with the naked eye…but im pretty damn good at camouflage….
however i did cause some problems in the happy fun land of the cute and cuddle Gila monster men….they shouldn’t have aroused my wrath….
You never know my methods, and besides , my methods of tracking you in particular proceed the creation of man itself. I simply…borrow it a little. Rest assure…Its not entirely effective, but it works well enough to keep semi-track of your movements.
Mercenary Clown
you have discovered that, as a clown, that i am not human, and therefore predate mankind….we all know there isnt a true way to track a clown….but you can try to rely on your archaic ways….of course….then again, i seem to turn up whenever a job is offered, or money i available
Don’t tempt Rose, man. She basically uses the fabric of existence to track down people, events, and fashion trends. If you exist, in this or any other, she knows.
Which is why I haven’t been able to slip off her grid and raise the Deep Ones.
Mercenary Clown
shit…i exist, and yet i dont…im a conglameration of the worlds worst nightmares…and since a majority of the world is at the very least creeped out by clowns, here i am…hence why i can’t be killed…watch
*pulls the pin of a grenade and flips the spoon, and just holds it until it explodes*
see…didn’t even smear my makeup
Hmm… is kinda a sexy outfit. I’d hit it.
I’d ask who you’re referring to, Bowler, Grymm, or CreepKnight? But I already know your answer: “Yes.”
You MUST have CreepKnight draw her enjoying in the antics more often.
Wait what? I think you’re confused. Hi. I’m Grymm. I draw and color. CreepKnight writes and cobbles together words and lettering.
Don’t listen to Grymm… Creepknights the drawerperson.
Ignore Vensik, he is just fucking with you. Grymm draws. I know, I have seen him do it, it is amazing. First the puts on really awesome music, then he checks his notebook of little doodles that he uses to keep basic track of what the panels will look like, then he takes his pencil up and moves his arm really fast while talking of twisted randomnes, and then suddenly the linework is done. Then we usually get Vito’s. Then he puts on more music and the colors appear magically on the computer while we drink Cokes together.
Then it gets sent to CK, and he does that super awesome writing thing, but I have never actually seen that first hand.
All lies, you can trust in the Vensik.
CK does the doodlies.
Then you must draw Bowler in their antics more often! Also, I apologize for the mix up.
That’s ok, I forgive you.
I thought it was obvious I was talking about the bovine.
No no no. You got that wrong. The line is actually. “Trust the Grymm. The Grymm knows.” Also, you all can trust ME. I’m a doctor.
Dr. Tran
I’m a doctor too. See? I have a saw. *I hold up my medical chainsaw.*
Welcome to the party Dr. Tran.
Remember to let the weight push the blade, not muscle.
That ain’t Dr. Tran Marchosias. That’s just Ticker trying to pull a fast one.
Dr. Tran is a character from a series of youtube videos that a friend once showed me. I just thought that the moment needed a doctor. Speaking of which……
*I pull out a churro machine.*
Very entertaining.