Extra Credit 49: Ritual Interrupted

Grymm Ramblings

Writing this yesterday. Been sick for the past few days with my traditional fall sinus infection that always somehow surprises me.

Suffice to say, I haven't gotten a whole hell of a lot done since then outside of watch a lot of old horror movies* and be generally miserable.

Before my goo tubes betrayed me, I did do some rummaging through my old files and found something interesting. The following is one of the real CreepKnight's original songs he recorded forever ago. It also my favorite song that he wrote. It was especially amazing when he'd play it live.

His birthday would've been last Thursday.

It's still absolute bullshit that he's gone and I miss him terribly. It seems like both years and no time at all has passed since he shuffled off. I'm sure he would've loved how many horror movies I'm injecting into my veins this season.

*Just finished Puppetmaster 2. Definitely more puppety than the first one. Main villain reminded me way too much of an elderly Chris Chan though with the way he kept sighing and simping.

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