Grymm Ramblings
Let's see... What to say what to say... Well, for one, we're winding this story arc down now. Its all wrap up from here. Then we're going to switch gears a moment. What else, what else... I have Cadbury Cream eggs. They're delicious. But they're making me fat. But they're delicious.My tiny little caramel filled minions that I cannibalize. What else... Oh, here's a new Surrealis Grimoire page I finished last week, in case any of you are fans of that particular side project.Wall of Memory by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART
0 thoughts on “Bad Cheese from the 5th Dimension 7”
Will B
Yes size does matter. Cadbury Cream eggs fucking rock. Sucks they only come once a year. Fucking rabbit chicken. Needs to get it’s ass in gear and lay them more then Easter time damnit. Excellent comic as always gentlemen. Love the black trench. (Now I gotta go sew me one. Damn it!!)
That’s why you adopt the Voodoo Walrus crew way of doing things and hit the stores the day after Easter when they mark down their Easter candy and buy in bulk. Sure it won’t last forever, but freeze ’em and they’ll last that much longer.
That’s why you need to live in a country with it’s own Cadbury’s Factory (hint: not UK or OZ), that way you can have them all. year. ROUND!!!!
Just a shame they are not as big as they were in the 80’s or even the 90’s
I fucking love the Walrus… both Grymm and CK are sexy artisty sorts with fun flavors of insanity judging from your various ramblings.
We do our best!
hahahahaha, great one:)
We thank ye.
This reminds me of thanksgiving at a fat man’s family’s house….. Everyone scrambling to get the most food the soonest.
That’s… an interesting mental image to come to mind.
Size does matter!
You don’t put a marmot on the altar to Mammon, you put the crazy fat guy on the bus!
Or just offer up a huge sack of marmots. Marmots that have been loved and cared for and know nothing but love and happiness. Plump with juicy glee.
Perhaps, but the man on the bus has what small furry animals do not: boundary issues.
Ah well yes. In that case toss him on up there and pull the restraints tight. No one’ll miss him.