Academy Award Winning Comic 8: Its Morphin’ Time!

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0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 8: Its Morphin’ Time!

  1. Go Go Murder Ranger. Mighty killing Murder Ranger. *plays original themes* “By your overwhelming rage, you can access your power” Watch out crow, Napoleon and all others. Cause VQCK knows your location your weakness and your all too much hurt zones.

  2. This is going to get VERY messy. I get the impression that Murder Ranger is not a registered hero and that Masked T-Square and The Mass could be lurking nearby.

  3. That would be SO much more badass if Creepknight wasn’t fat. But it is still rating off the charts on my “badass-omiter”.

    1. *glower* The Mass is fat; CK is decidedly smaller than The Mass. I loath when people say “if only … wasn’t fat/was a little less curvy/could lose a little weight”

      1. *Hands Akonite the Idiot Beating Stick* Remember sexy sexy lady, if your crush the skull too quick they don’t learn. May I suggest starting with breaking toes.

        1. I don’t use physical violence to express my displeasure. Dieffenbachia is an excellent learning tool though.

        2. Totally had to look that up… Messy! I approve!

        3. Akonite, hats off to you for stumping Grymm and myself. Very nice!

        4. *curtsies* I’m a flower geek. More importantly, I know how to kill with common house plants.

        5. …or at least maim and make things unpleasant.

        6. Both very good things to know if you ask me.

        7. Akonite … would you consider it rude if I admit that I want to make mad passionate sweaty monkeysex with your smexxy smexxy brainmeats?

        8. Want all you wish, my brainmeats are spoken for though. I’m only allowed to make exceptions for people I’m fangirling over.

    2. The only way it could be anymore badass is if I had had the time to add on all the extra guns and blades the design really called for! If anything, CreepKnight being bigger than average makes him a more badass “ranger”. We could easily break a skinny little spandex’d fuck in half and paint the wall with their blood and entrails.

      1. Yes, but considering recent budget cuts I don’t think CK could have gotten the gun package for ultimate destruction and mayhem. I suspect this is just the economy Red Murder Ranger.

        …Does it come with a zoid? Does the zoid look like Hathulhu?

        1. Cthulhu Mech? Cthulhu-Mech with massive armored top-hat? fthagn-zoid….
          *pops a capillary*

        2. One way of the other, we’d definitely be looking at giant, mechanical doom-tentacles.

        3. As long as the tentacles are doom-related, and not Japanese-related, I’m all for it.

    3. *Reaches through space-time, smacks Ticker* Down boy.

  4. Hey Murder Ranger, I dig your guns. I hear Madame Murderfist is looking for henchmen… Not that I know her or anything, just something I heard through the grapevine.

    1. The Red Murder Ranger… Henching? You MUST be joking darling. If anything, Murderfist should offer to stand as the Murder Ranger’s partner in mayhem!

  5. I’m suprised Warren Ellis didn’t get a mention

    1. Well I suppose the questions is, is Warren really that frustrated of a writer? It seems like he usually pretty content as long as there’s a net connection and a ready supply of Red Bull.

  6. … I laugh while my inner child is screaming. I wonder if this says bad things about me that I find it funny that my inner child wants to report the rest of my brain to child services.

    1. Just smack your inner child with a big wooden spoon until it calms the fuck down and sit it on the couch to watch some Freakzoid. Builds character!

    2. Do you mind if I borrow that phrase? I feel that way all the time.

  7. Crap, the bunker, it is only half finished! I am still waiting on the candies D: Run for your lives if you are within the vicinity of impending pain and mayhem.

    1. But we are not the point of his frustrations…If you needed candies I could have gotten them easily for you and had them express couriered by Ninja Rat.

      1. But can you insure that said candies would arrive unnibbled by tiny mouths?

        1. Yes, yes I Can. So long as I outfit them in their special power suits and provide them a decent supply of cheese nibblers…and they would like a tip upon arrival. If tip is assured in teh forms of a wheel of gouda or colby or Mozzerella, than you are well assured the best terms and style of delivery.

        2. Rats in power armor? What a wonderful idea. Lady Rose you are an inspiration to this mad scientist.

        3. Oh that’s very sweet of you~ Not power armor though, power suit, a bit lighter but it allows for light refraction and heat reduction to make the ninja rat army even more ninja.

    2. If you’re that worried, my mansion has a bombshelter. Well – basement really.
      Or, technically, a dungeon. Look, if you don’t mind something scaled and hungry attempting to hump your leg in the dark, my infested mansion is your infested mansion.

      1. Attempting? One would think in the dark it’d go for softer places than the rather boney leg.

        1. What? With you as lord and master of the keep? Impossible. Its just being whiney at that point. For shame on that monster.

        2. Kind of you. I am benevolent lord. (One of perhaps three times in my life I’ll be able to say that!)

  8. Quick, Grymm! I have the Elder Top-hat shirt – how do I access these powers? I’m a writer and I’m damn frustrated, but how do I turn it on? Blood? Tell me! I yearn for to be a Murder Ranger!

    1. One, its against RedBubble terms of service to infuse merchandise with cosmic powers.
      Two, why do you ask ME these things. CreepKnight. Ask CreepKnight! Just because I respond more often doesn’t mean he’s not watching the comments like a hawk waiting to pounce the moment he deems it necessary! Hell, half the time he actually sees the comments before I do because he’s online researching for writerly purposes.

      I just draw the stuff! CreepKnight’s the creative and writerly force! And directing such questions to me can be often be seen as disrespect to that fact! And disrespecting the writer leads to nothing but anger, hurt feelings, and things being set on fire. And its too goddamn hot have anything be on fire right now. It really is.

      1. I asked you first because I usually comment to Creepknight in a classical pleading form, and I’m a sucker for protocol. I actually have a draft, but it’s a solid page of text, and some of the words are in German, simply because the English language doesn’t allow me to conjugate the words ‘lord’ and ‘Babylonian-Text-God’. I’m just going to go ahead and trash it now because I’m knee-deep in commissions, and will never forgive myself if I don’t give a horror fan his blood-soaked request. And where I am it’s over 90 degrees at night, so yes, burning is bad.

        Really, I just wanna kill the plebian fools who keep me from writing. And sleeping. And interrupting my lunch. And breakfast for that matter. There simply aren’t enough machetes in the world for my needs, so calling upon higher (Elder) powers seems my only recourse.

      2. Or! “Ask CreepKnight!” Send him that question via email! maybe he will do another video!

        1. yessssss… Ask CreepKnight is awesome there needs to be more (People still laugh when I show them my question and the response from the last one)

        2. Mirth has spoken, and so shall it be done!

  9. Personally I seldom use the internet for research… well… I suppose I do use it for anatomy research… but that is another thing alltogether and a man doesn’t talk about private time between him, the moniter, and a five hundred pound barrel filled with melted butter. It’s ungentlemanly.

  10. Who do I talk to about getting semi-setient plant minions? I feel I’m the only one without a minion.

    1. I can get you a baker’s dozen assault-class cactus-men. Highly adaptable, vicious, and covered in scalpel-point thorns. Won’t come cheap, but they’ll last forever, and impale your foes at a nod.

      1. Ummm March old boy I though we like Lady Akonite. Do you really want Akonite to suffer the way the last customer did?? I mean we are still picking up the gooey bits. Or have you finally fixed the self replicating madness that the first batch had??

        1. Goddamit Will, we agreed never to speak of that again! And that costumer had it coming. “Do you take Mastercard?” Cretinous fiend…
          And those were ferret-based mutants. These are finely crafted, agave cactus-native minions. They have no reproductive organs inflict on each other. Or the owner. And that’s entirely beside the point! Akonite has asked for custom minions in good faith, and even I can’t betray that kind of trust. Now get some Windex, and help me clean off the ceiling. We’ve almost got the blood and credit cards off.

        2. Agave? So if my minions piss me off I can, in theory, make tequila out of them?

          I don’t drink alcohol personally but there’s something sinister about serving drinks made from one’s minions to guests.

        3. Just stab them – they bleed tequila. Wouldn’t recommend setting them on fire, but they’re very hearty. Just have to work on the screaming problem – touch annoying when you just want a drink or two.

        4. You, sir, are truly twisted to have given a plant nerve endings.

        5. How else can they be trained? *breaks into hyena laughter*

    2. I’ve never worked with plants before, but I’m always up for a new challenge. I could have some early work ups by months end. It looks like Marchosias has something good now, but I’m more then willing to do custom work.

      1. Fair market conditions, friendly competition, ungainly attack mutant.
        This is what the Walrus is all about.

        1. Indeed, good sir, indeed.

  11. silverwing~gromire

    pardon, ive just read the whole content over the last 9 hours >.<. i feel like i was just serpexed over a grand canyon of awsomness and left to rot in my own driblings…( yum turkey driblings…er… sorry?? ).

    ZzZzz …snort… damn fairys dancin on me nose…zZz

    1. Excellent! Its always good to hear when we’ve captured the attentions of a new reader for such a prolonged span of time! Its also helpful to know about how long the archive takes to peruse!

    2. I must conquer this record! To the caffeine-mobile!

  12. Ok, Ya’ll lost me. I’m sure it’ll come back in time… I hope. I think that the fly is a little awkward on the suit, and the helmet is oddly shaped, but mad props for going the murder ranger route. C.K. is dong some awesome writing lately, everything just has more depth. I am thoroughly enjoying this arc. And as always, Grymm, keep up the good work. Shout the fine folks of Voodoo Walrus decide to do a paper compilation of the comics, I’d be down for buying them an arc a pop for ten bucks. Now i’m not sure where the first arc ends, but if you put all the old b&w stuff in one book then started the color stuff by arc, I’d definitely be in.

  13. I know what I am going to cosplay next year at Dragon*Con.

    Henshin A Go Go Baby!

  14. All beware….*smirks* For I have heard the siren’s song, and have decided to make it my own. I do so love learning new tricks…*goes cackling into the night*

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