Extra Credit 12: Moving Up the Timetable

Grymm Ramblings

If your interest was piqued by seeing the name Calpurnia CreepKnight on the book in the third panel, then I have good news. The $1 tier on the Voodoo Walrus patreon gives monthly insight into the extended and extensive CreepKnight family.

We call them Royal CreepKnight Family War Wisdoms. One of my favorites so far is Wisdom number 20:

"Guns run out of bullets. Axes and swords blunt and splinter. Arrows break. Fists shatter. Jalapenos wither on the vine. I am really scared about tomorrow. "

-Far Thinker Agatha "Eyes Within Eyes" CreepKnight when asked if she was looking forward to the 220th annual Gathering of CreepKnights.

So check out the Patreon, support our ever evolving weirdness. Right now you can see the rough and inked linework for the next page, new conceptual stuff for the ConQuest comic, a new War Wisdom, and last month's bonus comic "CK vs. Internet Headlines".

We'll see you next time!



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