The Revenge of Captain Thud 3

Grymm Ramblings

Hi folks! We need your input! What makes for better unholy sacrifice fodder? A couple dozen hobo "infants", or one huge, obese, belligerent bearded vagrant?

2 thoughts on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 3

  1. It depends… If the (dark) god you are sacrificing has a rep, you can usually research this, and base your ritual killings on that. If you are spilling blood to evil in general, then it gets tricky. While single victims are easier to deal with, multiples will get you the big voodoo. But if you give them mewling mounds of victims, and then can’t repeat it every time, you really let your unholy patron down. Try sacrificing singular fodder for one-shot rituals, and snap-weasels for regular deposits to the Crawling Chaos. -Marchosias, your fan.

  2. You raise excellent points all around Machosias! I’m glad I held off on taking advantage of that special sale on a couple dozen hobo young now. The salesman seemed a little off anyway with constant stroking of his ridiculous moustache.

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