Eye’s Wide Open 42: Be Gay, Do Crimes

Grymm Ramblings

Hey everybody! Can I just say I love how the art on this page turned out. And not just because I'm so very happy that we're finally out of that council chamber. Thank the dark lords of graphite and pen nibs for that. You might of noticed that the site's looking a teeny bit different. All is working as intended. We just wanted to make it easier to plunge into the archives for new and old readers alike. Not married to what we've got over on the side bar yet. Might go in and tweak the size and shape of the buttons, but for now they all work and all the major storyarcs will eventually get buttons. Like wise, a couple of changes have been made to the Patreon page as well. The $50 and $100 tiers have been removed and replaced with the $10 Future Rumblings Tier. It'll contain the CreepKnight Family War Wisdom posts, the early comic previews and page WIP's, and all kinds of goodies from future projects that we have been or will be working on. Most notably the long brewing ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortis fantasy comic. That's all till next time. We love you all.

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