Eye’s Wide Open 23: Just Dust Yourself Off

Grymm Ramblings

Hey everybody, not much to say about this update. So I'll just mention the goodies that have gone up on the Patreon in the past week or so. We've got stuff all across the various tiers. You can see all the finished art for the page here. After missing a month or two, the Royal CreepKnight Family War Wisdom entries have begun againIf you're willing to subject yourself to it, some new CreepKnight vs. Crow strips have been uploaded. Or if you want to see me work on the next page and ramble incoherently about animation, check out out this little video whatsit I record. We love you all.          

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 23: Just Dust Yourself Off

  1. Wouldn’t he be saying ” ” because you know… vacuum?

    (not really that nitpicky but like teasing, actually love this page. The visuals are great.)

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