Voodoo Walrus: When Grants Fly

Greetings Folks, CreepKnight here. It's been a while since we've last talked. How've you been? I've been okay. Little work. Little play. Little mass destruction. Oh yeah, and Voodoo Walrus went to its first con this past weekend!(By this, we mean our first con as Voodoo Walrus, not our first con ever. I hope this would be obvious, but you never know.) RavenCon was a blast; we had a lot of fun, sold some schwag, and met some awesome people. Speaking of said awesome people, I'd like to tell you a bit about them: James Hatton of In His Likeness, who makes nifty buttons as well as a truly excellent and "reverent" webcomic, and Snydley Winkleperry of SpookyCo- who drew a loverly picture of Kaboodles and Napoleon for us, as well as his talented companion Miss Davenport who makes stuffies and jewelries that make me want to empty my wallet atop her head and scream "Gimme gimme just gimme!" Two folks who should not be missed (and should you find yourself in the Raliegh-Durham area, you should check out their gallery). We were also privileged to have front row seats to a very interesting Star Wars reenactment, which you can see here: General Grievous Chicken Dance That's all for now. Go to bed! It's late and you have clandestine activities in the morning! Alright, one more episode of Bones and then straight to bed! That's my final word! Why are you still here? -- CreepKnight

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