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SPC Emergency Broadcast 2: Tick Tock

Grymm Ramblings

I'm glad this side of the story arc is simpler art wise right now. Most of this week has been monopolized by me beating my new Art Machine into submission and getting it in shape to actually make comic pages happen. Half of this page was done on it and I'd say things are looking pretty good.

Gotta say, I was actually surprised by how little breaking I really had to do on the new Surface Pro. Maybe because it was a refurbished model and didn't come jam packed with a bunch of useless software? Who knows. It's nice to be able to draw without my workflow constantly getting halted by weird pen issues and screen freezes.

Next test is going to be seeing how well it handles the beefier matter of ConQuest pages since those are almost double the and layers of most VW pages.

Trade Paperback Update:

The project has moved from "Reviewing Pages" to "Print Pending". I look forward to getting into my dry and crackling wizard hands and giving it a good thrice-over before handing it offer to my trusted council of advisors, madmen, and cackling witches.

That's all for now. Time to go lay down some roughs for the next page and hopefully have it done by this time next week. I'm really enjoying this whole being able to update every week thing. Reminds of better times, y'know?

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