Interlude: Who Is The Red Suit?

Hi everyone. Grymm here. I realize it's rather terrible to be hitting you with what looks like filler right after the events of Friday, but it was a bit inevitable. If you happen to follow my Twitter or Facebook, then you already know that this month has seen me spending a lot of time preoccupied by family medical issues and dealing with further issues that have spunĀ  off from it. In fact, every single Voodoo Walrus page from this month has had its conceptual phase laid down while I've been visiting the hospital. Unfortunately, the month's finally caught up with me. Due to mental exhaustion, a busy weekend, and minor illness the past day or so, I just wasn't able to keep up the pace. The above post isn't just random filler though. It does have purpose. It's just going to be a bit before its significance is realized. Hopefully, there will be a bright, shiny new comic for you Friday. But I can't make any promises. The way I feel right now, I don't feel like doing very much of anything. Sorry everyone.

0 thoughts on “Interlude: Who Is The Red Suit?

  1. I hope things level out and become less stressful for you again soon

  2. Detective Oliver Little, eh? Curious.
    Hang in there, Grymm.

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