After Wrath 13: Sloughing Through Men

Grymm Ramblings

CreepKnight wants me to tell you all that never before has writing something made him quite as violently, physically ill as writing for the Angry Nun Action Squad Cosplayer on this page. That's the gist of it anyway. He also said quite a bit more about it being the single most horrible thing I've ever drawn and something about me being a monster and a terrible human being.

Let's see, how did he put it? I think he described the A.N.A.S. cosplayer as the apocalyptic nightmare spawn born from NUXXOR! fusing with the Syphilitic Pika-Horror***, that I drew years ago, and it all transmogrifying into every single one of his nightmares put together.

I'm paraphrasing all of this of course since he screamed and sobbed it all from behind the locked writing dungeon door and I'm busy drawing the full body shot of the Cosplayer for next Tuesday's page.

Happy nightmares everyone!

*** I debated whether I should provide a link to the "Pika-Whore" drawing or not. I opted not too considering the tumorous growths, odd growths, and excessive and diseased wobbly bits that it sports may in fact drive everyone into a state of eldritch madness from which they could never return.And honestly, I love you all too much to inflict that upon you.

Bonus Bit!

A new CreepKnight penned, "Surviving the Horror" article is up on Pop Cults right now. Check it out! Infinitely entertaining as always!

More Original Art For Sale SOLD!

The two original pieces from last week have now been adopted to a very lovely home and we think that's brilliant! Again, that means it'll be a bit before we offer up some originals again. But in the meantime, if anyone out there has an interest in owning any of the original traditional artwork versions of past Voodoo Walrus pages, feel free to contact Grymm at and let him know which you'd like to buy. Prices on them will range somewhere between $25 and $40 for each on average. Like with the recent ones, payment via Paypal, money order, and personal check will all be acceptable.

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 13: Sloughing Through Men

  1. *shudder* I hope this isn’t one of those self-fulfilling nightmares on paper for you gentlemen like Misery almost was for Stephen King. Then again when you start touring conventions you’ll probably (maybe?) have sane(r) fans than your counterparts.

    1. If my crazy psychic art powers ever inadvertently manifest anything like the above into reality, I will forever forsake the pencil from then on and become a data entry clerk, swilling burned coffee, and saving my money to buy kitschy Scandinavian furniture.

      1. As well you should… right after tell us where it is so we can kill it with fire and lye coated pitchforks.

  2. Holy Shit! Is THAT Phil’s ex? By Jaga! She’s more horrible than I pictured!!

    1. Just you wait until Next Tuesday….

      1. Dude, stop threatening our readers. They’re not me.

        1. It wasn’t a threat! It was a promise. A greasy, pus filled promise. Backed with blood and filth.


  4. Ah, it’s good to be out on parol. I suppose I’ll check in on my friends at VW, and see what they’ve been up to.
    What the…nonoNoNoNo! Take me back to prison! Take me back! Oh, Gods!

  5. Super Runaway is totally going to be my new exit line. Love the Spider Jerusalem T-Shirt, BTW.

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