Publishing Shmublishing 1: Mail Time! It’s Mail Time!

0 thoughts on “Publishing Shmublishing 1: Mail Time! It’s Mail Time!

  1. Is this part of Rips plan?? And speaking of which, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TRACKER?? He supposed to have taken care of this by now.

  2. And that’s why I send packages via courier. Fearful courier. Frightfully and rightfully paranoid courier.

    I have returned! From tartarean darkness I have crept, towards the shining, maddening light that is The Walrus. Long have I missed its glow…
    I fear to say where I have been in my absence, for all I will allow myself to remember is singing Pomplamoose’s ‘Bust Your Kneecaps’ at the top of my lungs, while wearing a leather hat.
    But I have returned, and will summon shiny trinkets to pay for the PDF.

    1. Welcome back March my comrade. Always good to have the singing. OOo the singing.

  3. Now who gets to draw straws for telling The Mass and his maniacally fashionable woman a creepy Frenchman-henchman stole his comics before they could be published?

  4. Bought mine too! Now I’m finally getting to see the thing that kept you guys from hanging out with me for like 12 billion fun nights at “Tesla”. It’s SO PRETTY!!! 😀

    1. Indeed!. Suffice to say putting together brand new art, cobbling together pages upon pages of layout, and figuring out how to make an entire 100+ PDF book from scratch for the first time ever was just a wee bit of an undertaking for both of us.

  5. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! Grymm’s Gotee got shorter!


    1. You didn’t notice when it got shaved off completely?

      1. I figured that you had just sucked it back into your body and repurposed it into your mustachio.


  6. God damn it. As of my last trip to the doctor, I’m flat-ass broke.

  7. Hey at least your not female and having dreams of being pregnant with a demon baby. >.> Now that’s worse than what just happened to Grymm and his friends. Especially when you don’t even know who the father of the kid is. .__.

    1. Narrow it down to demons powerful enough to impregnate someone with hell spawn then cross out anyone that thinks humans are insects beneath notice. That should help.

      1. …I need to look up some powerful demons then because the only one that I know of is Satan and I hope to God it wasn’t him. D:

  8. Just a quick note — I think the PayPal check out should be working fine, but if you encounter any problems with getting your PDF download, let me know. Thanks!

    Oh, and if you don’t have $10 to support your favorite web comic RIGHT THIS SECOND, then don’t drink fancy coffee shop coffee for two days and you’ll be set.

    1. Who drinks at fancy coffee houses?? Who can afford to??

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