Hobo-Geddon: The Final Epilogue

Musings of a CreepKnight

My head is filled with goo. My knees are filled with pain. As each day passes the aging process begins to take its toll in strange and increasingly painful ways. I'm only in my mid twenties and I already have contemplate whether or not I should go outside when it rains because of the pain in my joints. Someone do me a favor and call Robin Williams: I need to find out how he cured himself of that "Jack" disease. Better yet, someone call Bill Cosby. He was the doctor.

In other news: that which could be called "Hobogeddon" ends today, which means... Grymm needs a break. So I'll be taking the reigns temporarily on the updates. Relax you, I shant be attempting to draw anything. But come Friday... oh how the doom will poor like so much monkey viscera from the top of Mt. Everest.

What? That's what I'd do if I made it to the top.

See you Friday.

Grymm Ramblings

And that, my friends, marks the end of Hobo-Geddon. Personally, I think it wraps up nicely with this little look into the lives of Voodoo Walrus secondary characters that we haven't seen much of for a long, long while. Like CreepKnight said above, I'm taking a bit of a break for a week and a half or two while I catch up on paid work. But when that's over, we'll be back with fresh injection of Voodoo Walrus for all.

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