Negotiations 2: Thousand Dollar Entrance

Grymm Ramblings

You'd think three of the superheroes in charge of all superheroes would have something better to do than sit around and gossip about one of their peers. You'd be wrong. Appleman's already got at least ten martinis in him this morning, so he's useless. Major Badass has all kinds of paperwork to do so that's a no go. And the T-Square... well, let's just say the T-Square has all his concerns taken care of. Huh. Is it only Tuesday? Guess it is. By this time next week, we'll already be back to CreepKnight and Grymm and see the results of this little aside. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more work to do and these last few unwatched episodes of Phineas and Ferb to check out.    

0 thoughts on “Negotiations 2: Thousand Dollar Entrance

  1. Michael Alexander Reaper

    is it just me or am i sensing a metatron from dogma reference

    1. Michael Alexander Reaper

      rawr my drunken spew reference forgot the word reference

  2. Is there a single character that the two of you haven’t made have a massive powertrip?

    1. Well the Achmed Brothers… Oh. Wait. They’re staging a hostile corporate takeover of all local business. There’s always Kaboodles- nevermind. He’s a science badger now. Mungo! Mungo’s still humble and simple and probably being experimented on by the shadowy forces keeping Cyradwee under lock and key.

      1. Poor Mungo. You should bring him back in the most horrible and gruesome way that makes people go insanely giddy when they look at him.

  3. I agree with the odd fellow wearing the mask.

  4. I can’t tell if Kevin Smith would give you guys a high five or sob uncontrollably until vomiting upon you, perfect as any movie reference should be

    1. I’d like to think that he’d shake our hands and high five us WHILE sobbing like a little huge man baby and then succumb to projectile vomiting. After which he’d pass out. Then we’d poke him with sticks for a while, then rifle through his belongings until he found his cell phone so we could call up Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman and tell them Kevin couldn’t make it to the next podcast and wants us to take his place.

      We have plans. Oh how we have plans.

  5. The T-Square more and more reminds me of Casey Jones. Ah, childhood cartoon crushes.

    1. Outside of Raphael, Casey Jones was hands down my favorite Ninja Turtle.

      1. That needs to be your steady quote when talking to interviewers.

        1. You think so?

      2. It’s amazing how that name affected me growing up. Casey Jones…

  6. So I’m in 2 strips while I’m halfway across the country in meetings for a week? How rude…

    I think I Zarkt’d one of my clients the other day.

    1. At least you’re not the real Blondestar who’s going to have to live down the Magical Mountain Ponies thing. Good thing he doesn’t check the comic too often.
      Yes everyone. Blondestar is real too. And he’s able to do one hell of an awesome high rock star kick.

      1. So, assuming that Magic Mountain ponies are like MLP, are we talking standard size or flutter pony size? (I don’t recommend ever using flutter ponies for rectal insertion not only are they horrifyingly rare but I swear their wings are mono-molecular razors)

        1. Nope. He went with the special, ultra rare Jumbo Gem Encrusted Magic Mountain Pony toys.

        2. Swanky. Nothing says class like explaining to a proctologist how your intestines got lined in glitter, semiprecious stones and lead tainted plastic.

        3. One should expect no less from a superhero who embodies the glory of the 1980’s.

      2. Damn right he does!

  7. Just gotta say… never gonna be able to play with my little ponies again with my niece without thinking of this comic… seriously… or how the ponies seem to look at me with judging unblinking eyes… Thanks… thanks alot.


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