Hobo-Geddon: Supplemental 2

Musings of a CreepKnight 11/5

As some of you may have noticed, we have yet to post anything this week. We appologize; Grymm and I are attempting to play catch up after a bang up season at the Creepy Hollow Hayride. So while we have an unlicensed necromancer pulling the decay from our bones, we hope to have an update for you ready to go by next Tuesday. I know, I know, it's a bit of an inconvenience to be away from our lovable persona's for so long, but if you can grin and bear it we promise to make it up to you. Or rather, I promise to make it up to you by posting the video of Grymm from the swimsuit contest I entered him in when we needed money to get home from Tijuana on Youtube (sorry Grymm, I'll try to make it hard to find).

So for now folks sit back, relax, and if you haven't already take a nice little stroll through our archives. In the mean time... be well?

Grymm Ramblings

Technically, there should have been only one "Grymm and CreepKnight are disembodied and floating about the void of space" strip. But CreepKnight whipped up two variations and both tickled me in just the right way that I decided to post both since one could logically follow the other. There's still at least 3 more Epilogue type strips to go before we have everything wrapped up inĀ  a neat little package. No worries though. This is the only week of disembodied voices in the void type of stuff. We have something.... special coming up for Tuesday.

One thought on “Hobo-Geddon: Supplemental 2

  1. creepy…love it.

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