Academy Award Winning Comic 10: Martians, Ghost Hunters, and Gadgeteers

Musings of a CreepKnight

Just one quick note: we've decided on a price for the pdf's, including both the comic archives and the RPG. Right now we're thinking $10 each, two for $18, or all three for $24.

0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 10: Martians, Ghost Hunters, and Gadgeteers

  1. I would like to say, for the record, that I am an asshole. Also, I like Bowler’s hat. And Grymm’s description of her. And Rook. And steak. And puppies. And Maron. But most importantly, I like the walrus. Jubilation. Mallow?

    1. Shiny.

      1. It is not a shiny. It is a mallow. They are white. Unless they are EASTER mallows. Or cooked.

        1. My mallows are always shiny.

        2. Are they SPACE mallows?

        3. Yes they are with knitted caps and weapons named Vera.

        4. “Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle.”
          Goddamit I love that show.

  2. I want to bury myself in her steampunk bosom…just saying.

    1. It’s just that spirit of willful honestly that keeps me coming back here.

      1. I make it a policy to remain chaotic yet honest at all times.

  3. sweet! i’m down for a set of all three! let me know when where and who i need to kill to get one.

    1. someone with $24 I would imagine.

      1. Haha… I can’t believe I got burnt like that. Kinda stings and tingles at the same time… hmm…

        1. Mirth’s REALLY good at the well place verbal stinger.

  4. Uh oh, is there going to have to be a phaser rifle showdown between redheads? Does Marron even live there anymore? We haven’t seen her for quite a while. Maybe she’s off on adventures with the Doctor.

    1. True, I’ve never seen peacefully coexisting redheads. The closest thing is a truce based on mutual assured destruction (either of themselves or another party).

    2. I could be totally off here, but by the Doctor are you referencing Doctor Who?

      1. I believe she means “Doc”. Sexy, blue haired mad scientist type who has a thing for CreepKnight.

        1. Actually, all things considered, I’d wager she is talking about Doctor Who. She’s obsessed. We might have to stage an intervention. Though I’m afraid the only way we could get her to come to it is if we held it in a London police box.

        2. hmmm… Since a London police box could technically have several uses, I say go ahead and get one,

        3. I don’t see the need for an intervention. The DOCTOR ROCKS. And if milady Marron wishes to be off as one of his Companions then I wish her luck and gods speed. OF course if she gets said wish then I hope she get taken by Cybermen. (Just because I would be too envious.)

  5. ….why is it, that when i read the statement of miss red headed steampunk, that i give her a british accent…every time….and Akonite…i agree….

    1. I make these wonderful noises of utter contentment when given a chance to cuddle breasts that aren’t my own.

  6. In accordance with a dA post Grymm… WOOT! *clears throat* So, yes that’s that. I’ve also looted 24 dollars in rusty cents from the local hobo population. Do you have any idea how many hobos you have to kill to get a mere 24 dollars? I cracked my murder stick after the first eleven.

    1. Depends on the city. You have to kill exactly 100.987001 hobos in order to amass 24 dollars. It helps if you have some past experience playing MMO’s though as they train you for farming the weak and stupid for meager rewards and materials. The scary thing is when you kill a hobo baby and end up looting a some boar tusks, alligator scales, and a 10 foot long sword from the body

      1. I’ve always wondered how one can find massive weapons on vermin that’s not even 1/5 of the size of it.

        1. If you kill them hard enough, space-time tends to fracture, making loot non-subject to traditional physical laws. Or it’s all crazy. Your call.

      2. I can understand the scales, have you looked at a hobo closely?

        They’re all lizard-like and slimy…. Or maybe I just live too close to Lake Erie and it’s mutating the local hobolife…. That’s a scary thought, hobo mutants. Makes me want to purchase a large T-Square.

        Anyway, how would I go about getting one of those shiny Voodoo Walrus-esque Avatars? I would very much like one.

        1. That’s actually pretty simple. Basically you just hit me up at my email at and tell me you want to commission one

          They’re come fully colored obviously, and size at around 5″ x 5″. Hand drawn, digitally colored, shaded, and given highlightings. They $20 each with a couple of additional options. If you’d like one, just shoot me an email! All profits go into the site itself by way of materials or promotion or such!
          Hell, this is open to anyone here! If you’d like your own custom Walrus style avatar or any other idea for a commission, never hesitate to toss me an email!

        2. I look forward to this holiday season when selling masks will allow me to purchase my own avatar.

      3. I’m not so much MMO trained, as stabbity trained. The art of stabbity suffuses me. Though the stats for your town are quite high, the Texas vagrant makes up for it in individual might. Many a night the moon has risen over me, standing above a battered mount of flesh, blow upon blow of my trusty crowbar drumming a rhythm in the dark, while I cry aloud: “Why won’t you die?” Seriously now, Texas has some fierce tramps.

  7. “Remember my friend, patience is a virtue possesed by the wise and the criminally insane. Though we may not practice it regualrly, we must exercise it in this instance, lest we become irritants in this fine establishment.”

    Ia Ia Yog-Sothoth – I love good writing. A little jaunt through the archives while I scrub off the blood. Bland, unappetizing, blood. Guy really shoulda taken better care of himself, then maybe I wouldn’t have had to kill him.

    1. Goddammit it did it again. I sat here reading that quote and thinking. “What is this? What’s he quoting? Why’s he quoting? Did someone mention being impatient about something? Oh wait. Shit. That’s the dialogue from Eggrolls. I can’t even recognize our own dialogue.”

      Though to be fair, its been a good six months since I’ve had a chance to look over the archives.

      1. I scurry round the archives every now and again. Like a rat. A tall, sneering, rat. In a trench-coat. Who keeps singing under his breath. More like a madman. A madman is stalking your archives, and quoting your comic.
        Been warned.

        1. Let’s be fair though, stalking singing madmen that regularly wear epic flowing wool long coats are the ones making the comic in the first place.

        2. stalking singing epic and well hatted madmen!

        3. Then I’m in the right place. And for the record, I do damn good Chris Cornell, and occasional Till Lindermann.

        4. A rat? Than you fall under my jurisdiction! *starts digging* I’m sure I can find a lovely suit in your style to match your trench coat….

        5. I look best in darks. Nothing too fancy. Casual cut – tall.
          And I only briefly fall under any jurisdiction. I’ll be wolfish in a day or so, then vulturing soon enough.

        6. Well I only do darks. *flourishes a lovely suit and waves it* Into the suit temporary ratty minion. You shall be my general for the day. Wolfish? Please tell me its proper wolfish?

        7. Ah, lovely. I suppose that makes you Lady Field Marshall?

          As to wolfish habits and tendencies – I quite depends. If you mean donning fur cloaks and running around the woods, then not often, and in far different company. With a certain lack of witnesses. I usually mean wolfish to mean wearing long, dark jackets or coats, and generally stalking around with a long-limbed grace, smiling too much, and speaking with a deliciously dark baritone. In other words, my good days.
          Now, lets put your minions through some urban combat training, shall we?

        8. Glorious, on with you~! And yes, than you do it properly wolfish. I smile entirely too much, the world at large does not realize I’m getting ready to attack them if they piss me off anymore as I imagine their messy dismemberment. As I like to say, Smile~ It confuses them~

        9. Just remember the three stages of ‘special’ smiling.
          and my favorite:

        10. Ahhh Giblets explains the rash of drunken hobos with their. W hearts missing Pray tell, what the fuck did they do to you have thier souls still screaming in agony??

        11. *edit* with their hearts missing. Text box wrapped again.

        12. They were dissing Willie Nelson. And who doesn’t love Willie?
          Godless cannibals, that’s who.

          (What? – I’m Texan.)

        13. Well that makes more sense now. I was wondering what that wretched noise was. It their souls screaming an off key “On the Road Again”. Next Please Please try to at least find the proper key for their agony. Sharp F is not for Willie.

        14. *Can’t retort for laughing* Well done, sir. Well done.

  8. Ah, conversations of Steampunk bosoms, Redhead duels, and beating hobos to death for $24. I love Voodoo Walrus. It sounds like my “Recruiter” minion is returning with a new victim…. I mean volunteer. What the hell is this? You’ve brought me a hipster? AGAIN? I told you I want HUMEN test subjects. [Starts typing on control panel integrated with own cybernetic right arm] I am very disappointed in you. [Minion explodes] Now I need to make a new Recruiter.

    1. Go for the rats, they make excellent minions.

      1. Your rats are lovely Rose, but I must disagree that they are all that. The Komodo Dragons have been a success. Less biological hazard then rats carry. Three times the proportional strength of the average human minion. And of course the venomous bite when attacking stupid heros that enter the lair there by causing a slow and painful death that doesn’t require gloating or various other flaws in most Mad Scientist’s plans. That and they don’t get into the nuclear fusion reactor. Unlike a certain someone’s pets. (Just not getting stable power back to the lab.)

        1. Stop hassling the lady and get back down the lab – I’ve got the last of the gouda out of the plasma vents, but I can’t get the power levels down. Prob’ly got a shuriken in the control drives…

        2. That or one of their shrunken Naginata. My Captain was complaining about his being missing, poor dear. It was his favorite you know! IF you happen to find it return it to him posthaste. HE gets…touchy without it.

        3. *yanks polearm out of motherboard*
          I thought it might be rather personal, what with the silk cord wrapping and the words ‘my lovely’ carved in the tsuba. I prefer a nagamaki for most purposes, so I’ll have this curriered back via disposable fool. See if your Captain can’t dispose of the lackey. Friggin’ bicycle jocks…

        4. He just likes the reach it gives him, the Nagamaki doesn’t quiet fit paw wall so he likes the way he can switch his power hand on the weapon. He’s so excited about the return! He states he’d be more than happy to dispose of this lackey for you as a personal favor, and even owes you one. Congrats!

  9. On a side note from commenting on comments, I sometimes can not add more to the reason why I like a comic page…I just do. Between the combined antics of the boys as they go about their daily lives of mayhem and chaos, and Bowler keeping it together as the semi-voice of reason in her own special form as she is the Devil with a fashion sense, its just…amazing.

    1. Agreed. Fantastic fashion sense. And she would have to have some sort of paranormal patience to deal with the antics of The Lords of Walrus.

  10. I would like to add that this comic is the only comic I have seen where a man wearing a bucket on his head looks… kinda intimidating… and sexy… and I said that out loud didn’t I… oh well. I will say it louder if you want for Creepknight is with out a doubt the sexiest man man I have ever seen with a bucket on his head. And This coming from a dood who likes the ladies.

    1. I knew it! I kept telling CK it was only a matter of time before more people joined the “CreepKnight is a sexy, sexy beast” club.

      1. … do we get special pins that signify club membership?

        1. Hm. We’ll have to add that to roster of button designs that will eventually be made.

        2. If IF were to do button, would use first panel, with the phrase “This is how we do it” written in white. Or could just make first panel a poster all by it self with “Lords Of Cool”.

        3. For that I apologize good sirs. It is your world your comic. I but have ahe pleasure of reading it. Must turn on brain filter before typing. (Bad idea to comment on sleep dep ladies and gents let this be a warning. You end up telling the creators what to do and look like an ass.) Going to bed now.

        4. No worries. We don’t see that as you telling us what to do so much as just fan input which we celebrate and revel in!

  11. Michael Alexander Reaper

    Ah feels good to have Internets back i feel behind. i have missed much, but i would be interested in one of those shiny avatars as soon as i can procure monetary funds in that amount, i must just wait and use my current crest. *sigh*

    1. Well thankfully there’s no expiration date on the chance to grab avatar commissions! The option will always be available!

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