Hobo-Geddon: Exit Hobo Jesus

Special Secret Backdoor Grymmish Commentary: Hi! Grymm here. Poking around here in the murky, clanking, rusting catacombs and drive shafts and industrial bric-a-brac powering the Walrus machine. What you're seeing above is not the original Mirth intro. This is an extra special COMPLETELY REMASTERED FROM THE GROUND UPĀ  revision done for the huge print commission project we did that spurned the remastering itself. We decided that the original Mirth intro was of such poor quality that it'd be a crime to charge someone for a print of it. So I went back to square one and completely redid the art. Now you get to see it! Yay you! Musings of a CreepKnight We'd like to first apologize for the lateness of this strip; we went to bed early last night. Secondly, welcome Mirth to the wonder world of Voodoo Walrus. And remember, we're still selling in comic ad space. For more information, contact us at

Grymm Ramblings

Honestly? I'm not too pleased about how this strip came out on my end of things. I think this is due to the fact that might have been working with a slightly smaller layout, I was still getting use to my new scanner and image editing software settings, and th fact that characters always look terrible the very first time I draw them. Seriously. Look back at like the third or fourth VW strip when Bowler first appeared compared to the way see looked in the CreepKnight birthday story arc. Its ridiculous. But no worries. The strip after the next is a far superior look at the Mirth character.

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