Warp Factor 9

Grymm Ramblings

Apparently Rook has opted to roost atop the Walrus crew's apartment building. Though if he keeps trying to take pot shots at fingerbats, who knows what horrors he'll have to face from certain purple-clad parties below. Not much to report today. As of the typing of this, the linework for Friday's page is almost done. By the time you read this, I'll probably be coloring. Most likely going to pull an all nighter to get it done before Wednesday hits. I will be powering my creativity this night by relistening to the videos of the Nostalgia Critic and the Nostalgia Chick. Time then for a little audience feedback. "How did you first run across Voodoo Walrus?" Did a friend convert you? Did you come over from where I shamelessly cross post the pages to my various art galleries? Did you see propaganda? Was it a Project Wonderful ad? I'm honestly interested. I want to know if there's a common thread that's working well that I can shamelessly exploit further. And a follow-up question: "After first being exposed to the Walrus, what was it that made you want to keep coming back?:" I look forward your inevitably wordy responses.

0 thoughts on “Warp Factor 9

  1. I don’t know why but I seem to love everything about this strip more than usual, which is strange as I didn’t really think that it was possible. Probably because I’m in such a good mood…

    Q1) I arrived here via when I first realised the bounty of comics that were available on the web. After a brief skim of the site I realised most of these comics were utter shite but I decided to look one last time and typed “Walrus” into the search box as I figured there was no such thing as a Walrus that wasn’t interesting and, lo and behold, there was a link to your comic on DrunkDuck and I’ve been an avid reader ever since. Bloody hell that was years ago…

    Q2) I keep coming back quite simply because you have the best combination of brilliant story and brilliant art work of any comic I’ve seen. There are no stick men, no childish drawings, no endlessly repeated frames, your genreless and thus completely unique, your above petty dick jokes, you communicate with your audience, your humour is entirely original and youer all just damn right awesome. I value all of these things and more that the words havn’t been invented for in a comic and you tick all the boxes.

  2. If I recall correctly, I found this via a Project Wonderful ad on another web comic. I stay for the lattes, the blatant nudity and the brilliant commentary

  3. Oh, I also want to see Rook in an italian maids outfit, and you need to tag more comics with anal sex

  4. “your above petty dick jokes,”

    I resemble that remark!

  5. Oh… and I think I was there when you first drew the walrus Grymm…

  6. to awnser your questions grymm:
    1: i saw the link at holliday wars and found your avatar funny and was intruigued by the we speak no fake spanish part.

    2: it reminds me of me. it has the same sense of innsanity and anti-logic that runs through my brain. and it’s just damn awesome. this place has a certain felling of home to it, like ere i can be my crazy ass self without boundries.

    so thats my eleventhy cents

    wait, did i read sex in the comments? i did i did read sex in the comment. +1 for sex

  7. 1.So I met this one guy, then we met somewhere else, and we kept running into each other, then he was all like… “I write a webcomic, you might like it” I met a very pretty person with amazing taste in hats. Then I got introduced to this artist dude at a dinner, he makes pretty things.

  8. How did I find the Walrus? You /might/ not wanna know…but I’mma say anyways~! *grins* I found this lovely little piece of art on Y! Gallery of Creepknight, and there was a link in the artists comments. I clicked on over~ and came in sometime at the Sheerm being a tranny. Confused I went to the beginning….and never looked back!

    Your antics, art, and the wonderfully brilliant brand of insanity in your plotlines snared me. That and the fact that when I /comment/ I get a response back from the comicateers themselves! Its very nice~!

  9. Goddamn! I love being able to ask a general question to readers and actually get responses now. So much better than the old days!

  10. @Vensik: You ARE that remark. Were you? Its entirely possible. But then again I stopped doubting your ability to unexpectedly be hiding anywhere at any given moment.

  11. @Muleface Just a little more extra oomph is being put into these year enders that might be what’s doin’ it for ya.

    Your reasons for coming back are almost the entire list of elements that we strive for here. Fuck yeah! Mission being accomplished!

  12. @Rosey Oh good! That means me crossposting comics to my various galleries is not in vain! Exceeeellllleeeeent.

  13. @Khavren Good god man! Rook so does not have the body of an outfit like that! You’re asking to look upon madness itself! And body hair. Lots of body hair.

  14. *chuckles* You’re on Yaoi Gallery Grymm? That’s amazing!

  15. @illyria We’d like to think we’re approachable and welcoming be it on the web or in person. We revel in it. Or alternatively we revel in being oddly intimidating. Either way we make it work.

  16. @Rosey I’m all over the goddamn place. I see a viable place to peddle my art, I make an account. And let’s be completely honest here, I’m a commission artist and I’ve gotten more than my fair share of… less than family friendly commissions.

  17. This interesting fellow browsed me on a quiz/social networking site. I was perusing a entertaining profile and spotted this link. After sitting down and reading the whole thing from start to finish in about 3-4 hours. I’m now converting my minions one-by-one through threats and insidious female trickery.

  18. @Grymm you are one of the few comic makers that would admit to being on a less than kosher art site… is it /possible/ for you to get anymore awesome? I mean really…you’re going ot break the laws of physics and the space time continuum at this rate! Unleashing the Walrus from its glossy pretty pages unto the world!

    …than again that’s not a bad thing…

  19. Oh, I think you know the answer to that — and, if you recall, we agreed to never speak of that particular incident again, lest Creepknight be deported and forced to go on trial in Sweden for acts of criminal de-pantsing. And we both know that he has no memory of any of that after Dick Cheney “accidentally” shot him in the face with the mind-wipe laser, so I’m fairly certain things would only go downhill if we were to discuss the subject of how I got here and why I keep returning.

  20. My story on finding the walrus is not nearly as interesting as many on here, but probably a bit more strange than a few… i hadnt slept in 5 days, I was bored out of my mind and googling random stuff, I believe I googled “Awesomest fucking Walrus ever” and after many hours of looking at all the rather interesting results, I somehow found my way here, I don’t really remember how,lol.

  21. @Mirth I DO make pretty things, don’t I?

  22. @Akonite Yes. Yeeeeesss Give them over to the smooth tusked embrace of the Walrus! Sure they might resist at first, but they’ll soon see its worth it.

  23. @Rosey Thing is, anyone willing to do a little research can trace artistic footprint properly and discover I’ve done a ton of less than tasteful stuff for commission purposes. I’m sure as hell not going to advertise it under my Grymm Grymmowski name, but I’m not going pretend it doesn’t exist either. Especially since some of it is damn fine fucking work.

    1. Many people have noted that it is often their less savory work that is finer than their wholesome pieces…simply because they don’t have to hold back. And with your incredible cognitive skills, I’d think you do the outlandish with more flair than mundane.

      1. I wouldn’t say its my finer work. Honestly I’d say my finest work comes in the form of the Surrealis Grimoire since its all just pure, uncut Grymm. With a lot of this past year’s Walrus coming in at a very close second.

  24. @Marron Well of course I don’t need to know from you. Asking you how and why you’re here would be like asking the same of myself or CreepKnight. All the above note though, “The fence is green. Stash the bags.”

    1. Of course, but I would be remiss to not at least acknowledge the collective awesome of the Walrus.

  25. @Curator This tells me that we need to start getting creative with the tags section again to corner the market on search results involving all the things we are including awesome, epic, and hilarious.

  26. I’ve got a wee bit of free time this weekend; I think I may sit down and see if I can make it so that you can reply directly to a comment and have it threaded, a la LJ or devTard.

    1. Scratch that. I figured it out and got it working, like, right this second. Am I awesome, or am I awesome?

      1. You are so fucking awesome my head is spinning. Seriously, I’m actually typing this comment rather slowly because of said spinning keeping me from being able to continuously see what it is I’m typing,

        1. And, guess what? I also set it up to e-mail comments to people that you’re replying to. Pa-Zow!

      2. We knew you were awesome well before the reply button started telling us. 🙂

        1. Oh, I know. I’m just contractually obligated to mention my awesomeness from time to time. 😉

  27. Hell – whole gang’s here. And me without my minibar.

    Why I came here: I was directed here by a friend with professional knowledge of dead languages (no, I’m not kidding). I saw giddy madness that would have set Lovecraft spinning. I saw humor of such breadth and sharpness that I could not help but stay glued to the screen. I saw beautifully rendered cleavage.

    Why I stayed: Like illirya, I found a home here, where a particularly dark sense of humor was welcomed, and the authors were approachable and interesting. The level of customer service (my avatar) was astounding.
    Perhaps the sticking point was the first time I commented. Grymm asked for advice on sacrificing hobos, and I answered to the best of my ability. I was welcomed the fold, and I have never strayed.

    Rosey: Well well well, where have you been? *wicked smile*

    Curator: Yeah, 5 days without sleep would make you crazy. Good to see you haven’t been cured of that.

    Grymm: Yeah, I’ve seen the odd commissions. They are well drawn, whatever the *cough* request.

    Marron: Webmistress on High, how you spoil us.

    1. I’ve been around~ *smirks at* Its nice to be missed though~

    2. Ive gone longer than 5 be4, although Im fairly certain I was crazy long before that hazy evening…lol

  28. @Everyone Just wanted to lay down a blanket thanks to everyone so far for the lovely answers. I’m going to have the Fronkobo (The horrible frog-hobo-donkey abomination I created last year) gather up all your lovely brain droppings and toss ’em into the big machine out back that the salesman assures me will do something wonderful and terrifying and overall good for the Walrus.

    1. Give him a treat for me?

  29. And also, for anyone who hasn’t popped up yet and/or never commented at all, feel free to chime in. We’d love to hear from you on this whole topic. Or any commentary you might have concerning the Walrus.

  30. Holy hell this place suddenly got crowded.

    Today shall forever be remembered as the day the Voodoo Walrus audience got larger than the number of voices in my hideous, rotting head.

    1. I know. Its beautiful. The VW dreamof having a cult following is finally happening.

  31. in answer to the above,
    1: pretty sure i clicked a ad on another webcomic…. not sure which, fate broke my normal laptop so i had to use one without adblock,

    2: i stay/come back to/read repeatedly/recreate using a small army of Norwegian gnomes/ read from my padded cell your comic because its fucking awesome and hilarious. plus Englands a pretty boring place and i need my dose of occasional walrusy madness to keep me going.

    1. Ah, the real shame is how there are probably so many people out there missing out on the wonders of the Walrus simply due to the fact that they use an adblocker.

      Curse those who have come before us for annoying people to the point of blocking ads!

      1. Like Youtube, youtube used to be awesome…and livestream too…..cuuuuuurse. Curse the need to plant subliminal messages in the mind of the weak so that the strong might suffer the annoyance.

    2. I most CERTAINLY did NOT! your PORN collection broke your lap top, thankyouverymuch.

      1. ……may have worded that badly…uncertainty and unreliability of my cyberstd filled and overclocked laptop may have caused it to break. Fate, my apologies

  32. 48 Comments… wow… seems a shame to start over tomorrow.

  33. Bloody heel it really has gotten crowded in here and I can definitely see the traffic only increasing! I remember the old days when it was pretty much just myself, Marchosias, the Walrus Crew and occasionally a few others who commented frequently but now it’s a writhing mass of life mixed in with interesting cooking recipies, corsets and bondage pants (thats you Rose), even more world domination plans than we used to have and now we have the actual Fate responding to a post. You can’t really get much more unique than here 🙂

    And bravo Marron for adding that glorious new reply button 🙂

    1. At this rate, in a year the comments section might look more akin to a forum page than a simple commentary.

      1. Perhaps a forum is in order? is a good place to get a…well, free forum…takes allot of the work out of it, and all of the money,lol.

    2. The Reply button is most glorious indeed~ (And really that’s what most people remember me by? I’m flattered I’m considered such a fashionista of the Walrus Crew, one can hope my fedora can come close to the awesome of Bowler and Mirth and Marron.)

    3. Avatar fix test.
      I changed my email address and it seems to have killed my avatar somehow.

      1. bollocks

        1. Success!

  34. So many people…Black Goat With A Thousand Young this is crowded.

    Forums, I’ve found, often invite a lack of politesse and intelligence. That may be my personal view, but unless the situation changes, I think this intimate setup is preferable. Voodoo’s trump card has always been a personal, caressing touch, and a circle of friendly fiends.

    Should a forum be in order, a long time members circle or partition could be an option. An even deeper place, of maniacs, comrades and loyalists, who’ve proven themselves capable of fencing conversation with the best. New readers could be graduated to the Esoteric Order, after proving a level of intelligence and charm.

    My, I am feeling selfish today…

    1. There’d still have to be a HUGE influx of new regular commenters for each update before it would even be time for Vill and myself to start discussing opening up an actual community forum. That a whole new kettle of fish to be maintained properly and time better used at creating new pages, print ideas, and spreading the infection around.

    2. “Voodoo’s trump card has always been a personal, caressing touch”

      Insert some comment about Grymm’s having a caressing touch.

      1. It is well known by certain parties that I have a wonderful, personal, caressing touch. But its only utilized in the presence of beautiful people. Everyone else gets the twisted, gnarled, scabbed over stump that use to be my Weasel Knifin’ hand.

    3. Oh no I very much like this idea~! I don’t consider it at all selfish, more like having a proper sense of self preservation for what Makes Voodoo Walrus truly unique. The downright oddity and wonderfully personal way its done. Why clutter it up with people that are just…well…trolling for a lack of better term.

  35. Fuck. We broke 60 comments guys.

    1. *weeps proudly – kills hobo*

      There’s nothing else to say.

      1. WAIT! Did you sacrifice it? I really need a corpse for the giant rat living in my basement…the Queen demands foooood…otherwise she shall ravage the world with her mutant rat army.

        Oh and we did? That’s freaking awesome. *does a little dance and breaks out the good corset*

  36. This comic is just win.

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