72: Multiples of Nine

Special Secret Backdoor Grymmish Commentary: And thus we reach the end of the Black and White era of strips. As you may notice, when hearing the end of the B&W era pages, art quality becomes a bit... unstable. Some pages like page 70 are fantastic! Others like page 69 are... less so. That was pretty much a prelude to the comic going on hiatus after this page. Every page took too much time to do with too little reward. The webcomic community site interfaces were too aggravating for regular use. What little audience we had was too silent and remained that way. So the Walrus passed into hiatus territory until mid 2009 when I got the itch to draw the silly little monochromatic Twitter influnced strips and somehow ended up in talks with Marron that resulted in her offering us server space and her services as web mistress. Thus HoboGeddon was born. Armed with a actual website, the tenacity to keep to a set schedule, and a few new ideas to try, we basically dove head first into a brand new beginning. And we're succeeding and enjoying ourselves. That's the most important bit. Power through beloved Walrus Embracers! There's still a few more pages that have been remastered and sprinkled in amidst HoboGeddon!

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