Meatnecks and Boomsticks 12

Grymm Rambling

There's not really much to report folks. Sorry. Come back next week and I might have something for you. Until then, discuss amongst yourself where the "Meatnecks" arc may be headed. EDIT: WAAAAAAIIIIITTTT.... There is one thing... New t-shirt design! Pulled from deep withing the archives! The black and white era to be precise!

0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 12

  1. I almost forgot about mungo and his baby fueled power systems.

  2. It okay. Mungo’s been busy. He’s had an entire office building in need of powering.

  3. Wow, I wonder who will win this round? They’re both huge, overly muscular, and stupid…


  4. Yay Mungo! Mungo Mad! Mad Mungo!

  5. Holiday list:
    Shirt – check.

    I want a Mungo. Maybe a Meatneck – but definitely a Mungo.

  6. Half the commenters on this page have avatar pics created by me for them specifically. I enjoy this fact.

  7. Rose: Answers to come on Tuesday! Also, Shmeerm isn’t dumb! He’s just…. very single minded in what he likes to do. And prone to disinterest and anger.

  8. Mirth: I’m actually surprised at how many people are reacting to Mungo’s return with excitement. I wasn’t aware that he was such a fan favorite. Between the comments here and facebook and a couple of other places, I am now enlightened.

  9. Marchosias: Hmm… Mungo and/or Meatneck plushes? Something to put on the list of “Shit we should enslave people to make for us so we can sell it and make people happy”

    Also, it occurs to me.. Marchosias. Are you pronouncing that like “March-O-See-Ass” or “Mar-Co-see-ess”?

  10. **holds a cardboard sign up that reads**

    MUNGO..should be wearing a dark green smoking jacket with pink and lime-green polka dots while swining around the severed leg of a infant…agreed.

    (////////)>~=~=~=< The Gauzeman is watching.

  11. TheGauzeman: You sir, have a fascinating perspective to you. Also, nice goggles.

  12. **Scribbles on a pizza box and holds his new sign up**

    If monies are sent thy way, ohh red-haired Grymm, then a portrait fit for a Gauzeman you would devis methinks? Also…in a strange manner, I do believe I am CreepyKnight’s defective clone. That is all.

    (/////////)>~=~=~=~=< The Gauzeman is watching.

  13. March-O-see-ass. I used to be European, so I can pull that off.
    And thank you for asking – it means I’ll never have to beat you with a dictionary. It would degrade both of us.

    Gauzeman is CreepKnight clone? Made by a certain latex-loving doctor perhaps?

  14. TheGauzeman: I think we can work something out Gauzeman. Just step into my office by way of contacting me at and we can discuss things in further detail.

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