Wrath of Con 39: Blood Baths and Vice

Grymm Ramblings

Gonna be honest with you guys. The art for this whole Q&A panel part of the story has just about completely burned me out. But don't worry. We're taking steps to fix that. More on that come Friday.

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 39: Blood Baths and Vice

  1. …Is that Faye and Raven?

    1. Who?

      1. Questionable Content characters with pretty much the exact look and behavior as those two fans in panel 4.

        1. I immediately thought of Raven and Faye as well!

        2. Good then I’m not alone. Even though it wasn’t an intentional cameo just random, unnamed figments of an artist’s mind

        3. Ah, Questionable Content. Right. Been a while since I’ve cared enough to take a look at it. I can see the Faye resemblance in “generic indie nerd chick #2” not so much seeing the Raven in gold bikini Leia cosplayer #4,837,491 though. But hey, to each their own! Maybe some one, some where where think it’s a purposeful cameo and link us to some QC readers.

  2. Billions…

    1. You’re the best blood stained, spider-legged monitor thing ever.

      1. The training required to multitask spider leg movement, while plotting global monetary policies relation to the supply chain of spike-head vent-faces is astounding.

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