Extra Credit 10: Oh The Places We’ll Go

Grymm Ramblings

So recently, I decided to make a more concentrated effort to balance my life. Do more art. Get that sweet over time at work. Take care of yard work and household stuff. I was doing great right? I had things on lockdown.

I was set to nab like ten hours of OT at the day job. I was completing commissions that had fallen through the cracks when my life fell apart. I was close to having  two acres of grass cut. I had evicted my arch nemesis  The Groundhog from under the house and unleashed Diesel the Beagle on its prodigy. I had the art for this AND the comic before this finished.

I was high on my own bullshit. That's when the primal forces* looked over and realized I was getting shit done and decided I needed to be reminded of my place.

One wrong move with an electric bushwhacker and a trip to the emergency room later resulted in three stitches and a left hand that I was ordered not to use for ten days. And let me tell you, you have no idea what a load bearing bit of anatomy the middle finger on your non-dominant hand is.

Good news: The stitches have been out for a week now and things are looking good. Bad news: I lost over a week's worth of art productivity, all the OT I had built up, and the ER bill is coming. So, to mitigate that, I'm selling prints! Glorious high quality prints!

Interested in getting a neat n' shiny print of your favorite Voodoo Walrus page? Say the word and we'll make it happen! CK and I will even sign it for ya. And with our new Print Beast, we can even do them up as huge 13" x 19" prints.

The 8.5" x 11" prints are $25. The 13" x 19" prints are $45. If you're a US resident we'll even do free shipping. Just contact us at and let us know what chunk of VW history you'd like to own for yourself!

Looking for something a little darker and more complex to adorn your domicile? I'm also offering prints of my Surrealis Grymmoire . Click here to see the full collection. Same prices and details as above.

Perhaps you're not comfortable with randomly emailing though. Maybe you'd prefer a trusted sales interface. Good news. I'm currently offering the Grymmoire prints in my brand new Etsy shop. They're going to be a bit pricier though just to cover fees and such.

All sales go to wiping out my medical bill which is about $400.


*I have no doubt that the primal forces that oversee things are either Stephen King or have subcontracted King to do their work. There are entirely too many super creative people out there that have world changing ideas and could be completely unstoppable if it weren't for them being saddled with massive trauma, mental health issues, chronic physical maladies, etc. And to me that sounds like Stephen King writing.

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