After Wrath 7

First, new business:

If you've been following our antics for a while, you know that you can find the occasional review or article by Grymm and CreepKnight onĀ  Marron's site Geek-Life. Well, like the Doctor so many love, Geek-Life has regenerated into a new form, Pop Cults. So if you enjoyed Geek-Life, make sure you bookmark Pop-Cults! It's there that you can find CreepKnight's latest "Surviving the Horror" book review. And dare I say, it's easily his best, most hilarious review yet. Check it out here!  

Now, old business:

The original graphite art of last Tuesday's comic (as seen below) is still for sale! And now that it's gone live, the original graphite of today's is for sale too!   Both are all graphite on 9" x 12" illustration board. They've been sprayed with art fixative to insure the graphite can't be smudged too! The price for each piece is $35 USD and that does in fact include shipping. Or if you want to snag both of them for yourself, the combined price is just $60 USD. If you're interested, email Grymm at to discuss the nitty, gritty details. Paypal, check, or money order will be acceptable forms of payment and you can rest easy knowing that your money will not only get you one of a kind art, but said cash will also be going right back in to the awesomeness of Voodoo Walrus. The comic page will be shipped out in sturdy, protective packaging and we'll have our best fight wizards lay down protective spells to help fight against rogue postal workers who might try bending your package! As there's only one of each of these to sell, it's first come first serve, so act fast.

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 7

  1. Well, the screaming sound in my head aside, this is one of the creepiest, and finest, VW strip I’ve seen in a while. Good show, sirs. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I just be curling up in a ball on the ground…

    1. Make sure you make that spot comfy for future use. We have plans.

      1. I’m not sure if the proper response is to rub my hands together in glee or gibber in a corner.

        1. Give ‘gleebbering’ a try!

        2. I’ll decide after I recover.

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