After Wrath 29: Another One Bites the Dust

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 29: Another One Bites the Dust

  1. I’m too sad over the loss of Grymm’s hair and the stabbed Mirth (who I’m hoping doesn’t have human physiology) to find what’s going on on the bed remotely sexy.

    1. Mirth’s dad has Necromancers on payroll and Grymm has Eldritch hair-growing powers. I’m not worried about them.


      1. CK has awesome and a German vocabulary. He’ll be fine.

  2. If I remember correctly Mirths dad has three necromancers on his payroll.

  3. Did the entire cast of my favorite webcomic just die? No, wait… we still have Kaboodles. VW will now consist of the adventures of a genius badger, consumed with the thirst for revenge and cookies!

    1. Like Batman. But cuddlier and with homebrew laser weaponry.

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