Kill Your Heroes 31: More Rip Than Human Bile Ducts Can Handle

Grymm Ramblings

We told you we had some pages backlogged and ready for ya. Cause we love you. So, sick of seeing Rip's face plastered onto every available surface yet? I know I am. So, this maybe might be one of the last comics done in the old style of: -Pencil sketch it out on trash paper. -Transfer refined pencils onto illustration board. -Darken/ink pencil work. -Scan in to desktop. -Color via an old copy of Corel Paint. The next two pages at least are part of the reason why the recent hiatus took so long. That's because I gave in to modern times and invested in  a tablet. I was damned if I was going to be trapped in the studio for all serious arting bizness. So after research and comparisons and taking a look at what other, better artists were saying about portable tech, I finally acquired a Surface Pro and started practicing on it. A few of the early attempts at 100% digital drawing can be found in the photos of the Voodoo Walrus Facebook page. I'll go into more detail next update, but the upcoming page was a huge ordeal to get through with the pure digital creation process. Thankfully it feels like things are going a lot quicker with the one that's currently being worked on, so we'll see how things go.

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 31: More Rip Than Human Bile Ducts Can Handle

  1. Hehe this is so awesome! ANOTHER PAGE! And no I am not sick of seeing Rip’s face…. Just sick of seeing it not being hit by something. There is a difference.

  2. Thanks for the update! I love this comic. It make my day to have a good dose of weird.

  3. The updates continue! My joy can hardly be contained. Literally. It’s bouncing and squishing all over the place. The wallpaper is a total loss.

    1. Tear it all down. Paint the walls with the blood of your enemies.

  4. Nope no Rip nightmares….there were Voodoo Walrus dreams but they aren’t for public sharing.

    1. *puts on Jayne hat*
      I could stand to hear a little more….

    2. We are here to inspire. To inspire the best, the worst, and everything in between.

      1. You are aware that by internet laws that means someone out there is probably writing a Grymm/Lord Creepnight slashfic…
        “And his luscious long hair twitched and moved as it caressed his~”

        AND STOPPING THERE!… my brain is a horrible place. I love it for that and also want to punch my brain too…

        1. We’ve always been prepared for such things to surface. It’s to be expected. But what we REALLY want is the weird shit. Like Shmeerm/Cyradwee fic where they’re being like creepily romantic.

        2. I keep checking on a semi-regular basis but so far there hasn’t been any VoodooWalrus related tags I’ve found.

        3. Re: ‘Bus Ride, Motherfucker!!! Part One; January 17, 2012
          Musings of a CreepKnight:
          “I’ve just decided that I want to see some Voodoo Walrus fanfic. Get to it, minions!”

          Who’s volunteering for this (glorious) mission?

        4. 1.2.3 NOT IT! *touches nose* … I could do it… in fact I almost wrote a gravity falls/Voodoo walrus crossover while bored.. where the two ended up at Grunkle Stans Mystery shack after a cross country trip but… then I got distracted by shiny things.

        5. We personally have the headcanon that Voodoo Walrus can easily crossover and coexist with Gravity Falls, Welcome to Night Vale, and the SCP Foundation. To name just a few things.

        6. With SCP I would be worried about the things you two would make friends with.

        7. That may be the greatest non-canon thing you have ever uttered.

          Conjour!: Grymm riding The Hide-Behind.
          Envision!: Kaboodles taking a walk in The Dog Park.
          Dream!: Shmeerm sweet-talking SCP-682

        8. You missed Mirth naming and hugging all the things.

  5. Also I love the fact he is screaming “FREEDOM” While wearing a kilt.

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