Eye’s Wide Open 39: Reunion

Grymm Ramblings

Don't worry if you notice some site changes happening here in the next couple of weeks. It's long past time for us to poke around and change some stuff. Priority one is making the archives more user friendly and bingable. If you want to pop directly to Eggrolls and read through that jaunty caper you should be able to do so without scrolling through the finicky little drop down list. As always, the next page is currently lettered and ready to be absorbed into the brains of our Patrons or Patron-to-be. Other goodies are there to be consumed as well like new CreepKnight vs Crow strips, new cast Confessionals, and excerpts of war wisdom from the extensive CreepKnight Royal Family. And of course, all the behind the scenes work in progress previews of every comic page since the start of the Patreon! Okay, with the plugging out of the way, where're my fellow animation fans at? Who's finished She-Ra on Netflix? God damn if that wasn't a satisfying wrap up for the series. All righty, I'm out for now. I have food truck logos and bleeding arm stumps to draw. We love you all.

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