Eye’s Wide Open 29: …Try the One Thing That Never Fails!

Grymm Ramblings

The answer might surprise you! As always you can preview work on the next comic by joining our Patreon! The rough lines, inks, and finished colors for the next page are all up there right now, and the finished lettered version should be up before the weekend is over! Voodoo Walrus Patreon. Hey, anyone like protecting their frail flesh with thin, layers of decorative cloth? Well you're in luck! You can save 25% on shirts and other such wearable things at our RedBubble shop right now with the code 'OFFCLOTHES'. So follow your dreams like a badger riding a pygmy cow and get a shirt! Of a badger riding a pygmy cow! Or something else maybe! SHAMECOVERINGS May your December festivities be bright, fiery affairs filled with chaos, food, and your choice of debauchery. We love you all.  

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 29: …Try the One Thing That Never Fails!

  1. …….. Ona. What… What did you do?

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