Money… Good 2

Grymm Ramblings

Well slap your thighs and bring me a pizza! Did you see that? That was fucking PLOT DEVELOPMENT right there! Busted right through the door and wiggled its hips at you like five headed salamander-monkey hybrid in heat. Fuckin' crazy. For those of you that may have forgotten, or are new and just haven't taken a good look at the archives yet, Infernum Publishing met its end at the hands of Mac, Shmeerm, and a team of huge Liefeldian guys calling themselves the 57 Badass Brigade led by the ever imposing Lieutenant Badass in the huge end of the year finale story arc from last year "Meatnecks and Boomsticks" which you can read starting with this page. You know what's crazy though? In looking back at the archives to snag those links I realize that "Meatnecks and Boomsticks" ran for like 20 pages. I'm pretty sure it remains our longest story arc in the history of the Walrus and it doesn't even focus on the primary characters of the comic and yet we never received complaint once of it becoming old or tiring. I chalk this up to the fact that Shmeerm and Mac are just too goddamn entertaining together. Especially when over the top violence and bloody corporate revolution is involved. And that in itself I chalk up to the fact that no writer I know or know of can write a comic like CreepKnight does. Seriously, there's not another writer in existence I'd ever want to work with. Well, it'd probably be neat to pencil for Warren Ellis, but that's pure hero worship there.   And for anyone who missed it Tuesday, or may be in need of a reminder... I'm reposting the following section. Because if being an online artist has taught me anything its that you can't just try to promote something once and think it'll accomplish anything. You have to remind people:    

Grymmish Art Time

I'm taking up an extra section today for shameless self-promotion. So there's this thing I do whenever I'm not finishing Walrus deadlines or working on a pile of commissions. You may be aware of it. Its called the Surrealis Grymmoire* I love the Grymmoire. I'm always looking for new ways to share the Grymmoire. And there seems to be plenty of people that have shown interest in prints. So I've gone ahead and pieced together some nifty themed print bundles. Currently there are four bundles in all accounting for all of the colored Grymmoire pages that exist to date. I'm only going to plug the first two for now though so as not to overload you.   Grymmoire Print Pack 1 by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART Grymmoire Print Pack 2 by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART   I assure that all prints are painstakingly exposed to my extreme artist OCD and I make sure that each print looks better than what you see on the screen in front of you. If not, I burn it in the fiery pits of hell I have annexed in the castle cellars and run off a new one for you. So please show your love for something that I love to do and buy a print bundle. Let me share my dreamscapes and nightmares with you. Just fire an email to me by way of and we can discuss the nitty gritty purchasing details. Each prints bundle is $35 dollars and includes each of the five prints you see in the samples. Prints are 8.5" x 11" and on a lovely glossy stock that really makes the images pop. Seriously, even I'm impressed at how much more amazing the prints look compared to the images as seen on a monitor. Also, as as per usual you can order just one or two prints of your choice, but on their own they're $15 a pop.  

0 thoughts on “Money… Good 2

  1. Plot! It refreshes me, lifts my soul up over this illiterate world.
    Why don’t you know Livy, bioluminescent-homoeroticized-bloodsucker fans? Tacitus? Pushkin? Bradbury? Do you at least recognize the names? Your illiteracy has closed down half the bookstores in my city! You must PAY!

    *clears throat in an embarrassed fashion*
    My apologizes, but all the Barnes&Nobles in my city just closed. I do believe that writing is dying, and we stand in the maddening glow of one of the few remaining writers. Thank you, you magnificent bastards, for not giving in to this apotheosis-era of writing.

    1. Don’t give up hope on literacy. I, for one, read actual books every day and I even support the local seconhand books stores whenever I have money and can find what I’m looking for. I also support the big places. BOOKS!

      1. All that’s left is the secondhand stores. And the crazy naked guy selling Kama Sutra manuals in the park.

        1. We’re losing our Borders book stores around the Greater Richmond area. The Barnes and Nobles are still running though. For now.

        2. my personal bookstore love is half price books

        3. Good store, last one left.

        4. Lost our Borders, not losing. Closed April 1, have clients that worked there.

        5. The Borders closes next month.
          I raided the bones of it last week, and found a dusty stack of Russian classics, I kid you not, behind a volume about promiscuous teenage vampires, entitled Overbite 2: The Biting.
          I would have wept, had I not been busy stuffing my jacket with Dostoevsky novels.

        6. Oh, next month? Maybe these clients were laid off early then, I just know I rolled their old 401k’s into an IRA after being seperated from employment.

          Still sad, I liked the cafe… had good expresso.

          Had to look and see what the spelling was we were complaining about.

        7. This is why I bless ebay and book lot sales. Bulk of good scifi (McAffery, Jordan, Heinlien,and and and) for not allot of money. It how I’ve amassed my library of over 400 books.

      2. I tend to get my reading material directly from authors (or at least my friends go “here read this I wrote it” or “Hi, you outfit is awesome have you read my books?”)

        1. I have…two major bookstores going strong thus far, and several second hand stores. I would give you gentleman one of mine but alas I cannot. I am so sorry for your loss March…

        2. You are very kind, but I shall survive – after I beat some hipsters to death with Tolstoy’s War and Peace. It’s ungodly effective.

        3. Isn’t that intolerably cruel March even for you? What did Tolstoy ever do to deserve the touch of hipsters and pretentious false academics??

        4. He’s a tough old bird, he can take it. Besides, how else can they learn?

        5. I prefer Tolkein…so few people truly appreciate the master of fantasy even if they watch the movies which pisses me off…*growling* But good job sir, and good luck beating education into Hipsters.

        6. But Rose dear, those of us that broke our literary teeth on Tolkien give it an assumption that everyone has. (Or at least those we call firends)

        7. It is still a sad state of affairs…

        8. Come now, let’s be fair. Tolkien just simply isn’t for everyone. For example, I, for one, don’t care for his style of writing. But then again I’ve never cared for high fantasy either. In fact, I have to say that besides the Bible, Lord of the Rings is the only piece of long form fiction that I just could not force myself through without wanting to toss it at a wall.

          I’m sure Tolkien was very skilled in a wide range of ways and he no doubt contributed much to the medium. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’d much rather reread my entire book collection over and over again than ever attempt to seek entertainment from Lord of the Rings.

          Wow. That sounded mean. Totally wasn’t meant that way though.

        9. Mean is like bleeding from the eyes: it just happens.

          Taste in authors is personal, and debating it rarely leads to
          anything good. Privately, I worship at the altars of Neil Gaiman
          and Sergei Lukyanenko. Well, Odin too, but he so rarely writes
          anymore. My point is, different dead-tree volumes for different

        10. Hehe, I remember when the films came out, a painfully whitebread
          family complained that the films were more violent than they’d
          thought. I couldn’t reconcile the idea that they brought their sniveling
          children to the film, and not read the original text.
          Thankfully my box set of Tolkien was on hand, and they
          unmercifully pelted with it. Good times.

        11. Also, what the balls is with the text boxes?

        12. Tis my point entirely. I don’t dig the Tolkien, but I’m certainly not going to look down on someone else doing so.
          Text boxes? Do you mean the comment text boxes and how they’re being all weird and as you type, your words are going outside the box for a time before starting a new line? No idea. I blame weasels.I’ll fumigate tomorrow. For now I’m starting work on the comic for Tuesday after next.

  2. this strip.. reminds me of my fundings D:

  3. What does Coffee-Man mean by rent coming in? Does he mean Rook and Mirth? Or do the walrus guys somehow own the entire building in which they stay?

    1. Yep. The building they’ve been in since the beginning of 2010 is all theirs! “But CreepKnight… Grymm… how the HELL did your characters afford to own an entire building?” is a thought that might be occurring to many of you right now.

      The answer to that, our dear friends, is nestled into the loving folds of next week’s pages! Stay tuned and all shall be revealed! We still have deeper to go down this espresso* bean stained rabbit hole!

      *Yes, that’s right. Its espresso. Not expresso. There’s no X. The X isn’t silent. To all you people out there saying expresso: Stop saying expresso. Its bad for you. Namely because some one will eventually beat you with a lead pipe if you do it enough.

      1. *I feel like less of a douche for pointing that out to my friends all of the time, now that you have had a lil mini rant about it…lol

        1. I consider it doing my part to help fight back against the tide of godawful stupidity that would run rampant if not for we few “anal retentive OCD jackassed” who can’t help but correct people who are so blatantly in the wrong.

      2. Grymm, if it were possible to elevate yourself further in how I regard you – which it isn’t – you would’ve just done so.
        You rock.

        1. I just do what I can. And what I do is exude awesomeness. And cook delicious chicken parmigiana.

        2. THANK YOU! SOMEONE FINALLY GETS IT! Grr…Its not ‘coffee’, its not expresso its not an expresso coffee for damn sure!

          You, good sir, always rock. Even if I am late to this comment party here.

          oooo, chicken parmigiana~

        3. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU HAVE AN AVATAR NOW. Its slightly shocking not to see the placeholder any more.

        4. Why yes I do! Its not the one I wanted, I plan on fixing this. But for now enjoy the psychotic personification of my twisted psyche! He is deceptively unassuming looking~<3 Everyone else had pretties, and I decided to finally stop being lazy.

    2. Thankfully i’m not the only one who does this. You have returned my faith in humanity o wise ones.

  4. Michael Alexander Reaper

    I have no issue with people correcting me on my horrible grammar. it just the ass-hats that just say OMG LEERN TO SPEEL NUB. no constructive criticism just a lot of trolololol

    1. Those kinds of asshats are the people that deserve a solid kick in the throat every time they attempt communicate with others until they learn proper, civilized communication skills.

  5. Remember that conversation in which I explained how I freak out and think I’m losing my mind because I’ve seen the comic before it comes out? Yep, it’s one of those days.

    Still love it, though!

    1. Surprised that you actually have a mine left after hanging out here Marron dear. How did you pull that off? I thought the lunacy of the rest of us would drive you mad.

      1. *edit* Mind not mine. Guess stupidity is contagious as well. Teach me to troll the yahoo pages.

      2. Oh, quite the contrary. I’ve known Grymm and CreepKnight for years now; I’m immune to the insanity they create.

        1. Not even an honorable mention… I think you knew me first.

        2. Mercenary Clown

          i just hope to be able to create the levels of insanity and chaos that the walrus spreads…and not just the body count

        3. I don’t think so, I think we were all in the same WoW guild at the same time…

          Man, you guys are dorks. *cough*

        4. Why hello there Miss Pott! I’m Mistah Kettle it IS a pleasure to meet you! Oh I think you’ll fit in just wonderfully! Wonderfully! Timey-wimey eh?


  6. Ahhh sweet walrusy goodness how I’ve messed thee. And I get plot development too. Yay!!! You guys make being homeless less miserable… *does a happy dance and huggles the laptop* The insanity…it calms the beast!!!

    1. Pretty image you’ve got as a gravatar there. Also, welcome back to the cozy insanity.

    2. yes, aggreeing with gry,,….very pretty image…insanity calms everything…unless it causes it to go crazy…then it calms nothing…but the it still calms the crazies

      1. Should I be worried that MC makes perfect sense? Nah…

        Nice face Sunshine.

        1. Mercenary Clown

          actually… probably should be worried…might mean the worlds ending….which, in that case…i a totally here to help…just say the word (and by word, i mean check) aand ill help you out…..

        2. Cash on deliver – and no overtime. But with the truly ridiculous number of potential apocalypses in the works, I could use your assistance in assuring that the world ends my way. The classy way.

        3. Oi! Don’t start plotting the end of the world without me…Classy is nice, but its gotta be sexy classy. Other wise its just so…boring my dear.

        4. Sexy classy would be hard to pull off – maybe a Ragnarok set-up?
          You can’t just call ‘Zombies’, and have it be The End, although – I did write a commission along those lines… Either way, my doomsday plot is your doomsday plot.

          And nice avatar. Methinks I know it from somewhere.

        5. You should know it, its my ID for Dev March Dear.

          And wunderbar. I shall begin plotting, I think Valkyries would make a nice touch for that sort of set up…polish up my Shiddogh and Midgard, give Fenris a good brushing down and viola~ I’ll don my silver studded black leather corset and my best leather skirt and we’ll see what happens.

        6. Just messing with you, as is my nature…

          But yes, I see it… Valkyrie circling above, Hel’s gate opening, Heimdall tunes up, Garm gets a flee collar – this could work. I, being but of mortal form, cannot match your style – but perhaps I still have that fur cloak..

        7. Alright now I curios Rose. What your Dev name? I always looking at the pretty pictures there (and some that not so pretty) and would love to see your art and style. Know I’ll probably enjoy allot since you
          also a fan of both the Walrus and Marchs writing. (Which I enjoyed allot March.)

        8. I don’t really draw, but my Dev is King-Rat-Duo666 for the curious nature. It doesn’t have much honestly, and some of it is so old.

          Mn~ I love a man who has the gumption to wear a nice fur cloak.

        9. Hell Yeah! Thanks, Will B.

          Rose: Fur for winter – silk kimono and Akira Kurosawa films for Fall.

        10. I’m gonna tell ya again Merc, don’t go promotin’ yerself here for profit. Fictional or otherwise. If anyone’s gonna sell any goods or services here, its gonna be me an’ CreepKnight. You wanna promote yourself? Email us and tell us you that you wanna buy ad space. Otherwise, its just a bit of a slap in the face.

        11. my apologies, and please forgive me…i will ensure it does not happen again.
          i shall zip (and by zip, i mean slice off) my tongue, and what remains of my fingers to ensure i do not do it again….and yet i shall still somehow post…hmmmm

    3. Yes it is indeed pretty pretty. All credit and love goes to the artist though. Thank you it’s good to be back…the normals tried to get me but I managed to fight them off with my mighty plunger of doom and razor wire whisk of ouchy-ness while screaming that the sheeple wouldn’t take me alive. It’s good to be back among those who understand.

  7. “I chalk this up to the fact that Shmeerm and Mac are just too goddamn entertaining together.”

    You’ve never ridden in a vehicle with Shmeerm… now that’s entertainment right there…

    1. Michael Alexander Reaper

      I can only truly imagine…

    2. No. But I do remember the abundance of entertainment that was listening as Shmeerm brutalized his furniture over Skype. And the wonders of watching as he systematically trolled forum topics to death.

      1. “What was that sound?? You ok?”


        “I punched the fuck out of my desk”

        1. Wow sounds like my old friends. Of course add in the fact I was riding the top of the car when said entertainment was happening (and driver was nuts) and you have a weekend in North California.

        2. Hmm… interesting… Shmeerm is in San Diego.


        3. I wasn’t there, there no connection between me someone in San Diego and a dead hooker. Other then that no comment.

  8. Michael Alexander Reaper

    come on Tuesday HURRY UP!

  9. Interesting bit of trivia folks, the Data imps just brought me an interesting memo. In less than a month since the host switchover the site’s accumulated 2,000 comments. Real comments. That in no way counts the hundreds of spam comments that automatically get filtered and incinerated in the basement.

    1. Yay basement!

    2. Yay incinerator~! What model do you boys use?

      1. I can’t say for sure. I know nothing about incinerators. I know its the size of standard bedroom, made of twisted, evil looking metals, looks like something one would expect to find in a steampunk setting and when its interior drops below a certain temperature it starts wailing as if a portal to Hell has opened inside of it.

        1. First – we’ve again broken the comment record. If I keep drinking to these, I’ll have to get a new liver. Oh well, what the hell…

          Also, your incinerator is made by my subsidiary, BurningFunTime Inc.
          And stop letting the temperature drop. You don’t want to know what’s inside that makes it burn, but what it hates the cold. Hates it with all twenty of its eyes.

        2. Buy a couple of back up ones and keep ’em in the fridge. We’re determined that the number of comments and commenters will only increase. We’re spreading our web of self promotion ever farther out and more and more people are enjoying the Walrus pages they’re seeing on the various galleries I cross post them to.
          Many, many, many of the current commenters have only been active here for less than year. Less than a year. Give us another year and we’ll breaking 200.

        3. Indeed it may be so. I’ve only been commenting here since – June 22, of last year, and may be considered among the old guard. I wonder if I’ll be able to find the rest of you people among the storm of comments? Hmm…

        4. Well that’s the glorious thing about personalized avatars! it makes identification so much easier. Don’t worry though. There’s always the well established factor that there’s only ever a few small number of vocal commenters for every huge number of readers.
          Not to mentioned that the build of new commenters will always be slow and gradual. Unless someone with a huge online following links to us and we’re hit by a massive wave of new readers.

    3. Ohhhh I’ve always wondered what colors internet spam burns. Your fanbase has expanded by at least 3 new, active commentators too since the move. Not to mention the fact you have non-commenting readers I know of just in my own home.

      1. Michael Alexander Reaper

        I personally thing they would burn a pretty greenish red color but that’s just me.

        1. oooh like that color flaming bridal/prom magazines burn?

  10. Sorry, was busy reproducing the video tabitha made into DVD’s so the world can fear the terror that is the ring once more….I’m glad I wasn’t the only to wonder what color internet spam burns….I just. Let mine build and build until it becomes a sentient being…then I tell it to get me something…usually everclear….however, if it argues….I kill it…must try burning spam creature next time….

    1. MC – I sent you the peyote as a gift. Stop abusing it. It’s a sacred mind-altering plant.

      1. awww….are you sure…its so fun…fine, but you gotta stop abusing my little gift to you…that badboy can only fire so many rounds before you need to replace the barrel…well, rounds a minute…its a living weapon…it does feel every rounds….

        1. True – culling the illiterates has been busy work, and Sasha deserves some downtime. Still, H&K? You do know the way to my cardiac organ.

        2. you mean besides through the ribcage…..
          yes, im known for that…i love knowing the way to peoples cardiac organs

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